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You were currently over at Kj's house along with Della.

The three of you were watching Netflix and eating snacks talking about life, occasionally switching to Minecraft.

"Soooo (y/n) how's the new job going?" Kj asks smirking like a creep "It's pretty good so far I made a new friend her name is Lonnie she's pretty chill" you replied taking a bite out of a chip.

"Is she hot?" Della and Kj both asked in unison, you proceeded to take a pillow and smack Della across the face

"You have a girlfriend you little shit!"

Della and Kj just laughed while she threw the pillow back at you, "Hey she comments on hot girls all the time, we do it together" Della replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"But yes she is very hot"

"Eh other than that everything's pretty cool I do have a weird boss though" They both looked at you in confusion and curiosity before Kj chimed in "Weird like how?"

"Well he kissed me last night" you stated bluntly, cue Della dramatically coughing on her soda and Kj just staring at you jaw dropping to the floor.

You just kept eating your chips without a care.

After the long awkward silence and Della almost dying Kj and Della practically attacked you with a million questions about the kiss.

You explained the whole situation to them, starting from the warning that Lonnie gave you about Koren.

"Who does this guy think he is?! Thinking he can just kiss our (y/n)!" Della exclaimed and Kj agreed "It was just on the cheek.." you said quietly.

You did agree that it was weird, but it wasn't like he outright violated you. Lonnie did say that he's just a very naturally flirty person.

You were also just pathetically horrible at confrontation like it was actually laughable. So you let it go.

"Just a kiss on the cheek?! Did you say he could kiss you on the cheek?! No! He just put his grimy lips on you without your permiss-" Dells was cut off by you showing her and Kj a picture of Koren.

Cue Della dramatically coughing on her soda again and Kj laughing at her this time.

"Never mind that's the hottest man I've ever seen, and he obviously likes you, you should go for it" Della stated bluntly wiping her face with a napkin.

"Hottest man? What about me?" Kj whined, "what about you?" Della asked followed by Kj assaulting her with a pillow.

You laughed at your best friend's antics Kj finally stopped tormenting Della and looked at you "But seriously (y/n) are you interested in this guy?" Kj asks curiously.

"Honestly no," you said followed by Della gasping dramatically (again) "It's got nothing to do with his looks we're just very different I'm honestly just following Lonnie's advice she's known him longer, plus he's like six years older than me."

While Kj agreed Della did not.

"Oh c'mon (y/n)! This guy is a gold mine, he's probably making good money at his restaurant, you've been in his apartment and you said it was nice, do I have to mention that he's hot? And plus you haven't had a boyfriend since Toby and screw his age that just means he's a zaddy!" Della ranted

"Della, do I have to remind you that you like girls?" You stated with a snarky smile and Kj cackled Della rolled her eyes and threw a chip at you "Whatever I gotta pee" Della said as she got up to leave.

Kj laughed a bit more at Della "Hey listen though in all seriousness I agree with you about not getting with this guy, I'm in no position to tell you what to do, and you should totally be friends with this guy if that's what you want, but I'm just telling you this because I'm a guy and situations like these can start pretty harmless, like the flirting and kissing you on the cheek just don't let it spiral into anything beyond that" Kj said with a smile.

You smiled back at your friend grateful for the advice "Thanks King I appreciate it" you said "And anyways if the guy ends up being a weird pervert you got me and Valen backing you up"

You laughed at Kjs' remark, "Let's talk about something cooler though like my birthday next weekend" Kj exclaimed excitedly.

"You find out what you wanna do?" You asked "Yeah! My dad said I can throw a party as long as it doesn't get too crazy, It's basically just gonna be you, Della, some friends from high school, my cousins, and Della's girlfriend I think, you can also invite a few people if you want the more the merrier" Kj said while eating chips

"Sounds cool" you replied

"Let's play a game!" Della yelled as she belly-flopped on the bed knocking over all the snacks.

"God fucking damnit Della!" Kj yelled in annoyance as you cackled


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