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At work you had completely taken over Koren's thoughts, not that it was anything new, you were all he thought about.

But he had only been there for two hours and he was constantly worrying about what you were up to.

Unbeknownst to you Koren had set up a small camera connected to his phone in an area you couldn't see, to keep an eye on you.

Koren took every slot of free time he had to check the cameras and make sure you were being good.

So far nothing terrible happened.

You didn't listen to him when he told you not to shout for help, while also banging on the walls.

Silly girl...

There was one window in the bedroom, which Koren made sure to close off, you almost hurt yourself trying to break it open, which made him upset, he'll make sure to scold you on that when he gets home.

You also didn't touch your food which worried him, he hopes you aren't going on some silly hunger strike...

Other than that you've basically just been either lying on the bed resting or pacing around the room.

Koren does feel a bit bad about the kiss.

He knows that it frightened you but that wasn't his intention, he did it partly because he had been wanting to for a while, also as a way to show you his feelings are true, and his decision to keep you there is non-negotiable.

As far as your disappearance nothing has happened yet, right now your uncle probably thinks you spent the night at a friend's and haven't answered your phone, but soon things will start happening, and of course, as said before Koren is prepared for that.

He will have to meet and have a sit down with his new business partner Dan and talk about looking for someone to replace him since he plans on leaving everything in this town once the cabin is ready for move-in.

It is a little disappointing as opening up a restaurant was always his plan for life and a lot of work went into his beloved restaurant... he cringed thinking about his past with Allegra.

But none of that matters anymore, not since you walked into his life and cast a beautiful spell on him.

He would give up anything to have you by his side forever.

All he has to do for the next couple of weeks is take care of you and keep you under wraps, keep things casual and calm at work, and don't give anyone a reason to suspect you.

Nothing can happen to him without proof.

Everything will be fine.





It was only the first day and you felt like you were losing your mind.

You didn't believe Koren when he told you the room was soundproof, that just seemed way too convenient.

So shortly after he left for work you tried screaming and banging on the walls but I guess Koren was right because it amounted to absolutely nothing other than a sore throat.

You didn't eat your breakfast, no not because you're going on a hunger strike anyone who reads books or watches movies knows that doesn't work. But the thought of consuming anything this morning made you want to barf.

But that was this morning and now you were starving.

Your elbow also hurt really fucking bad from trying to break the glass on the window so there's that too.

So now you just lay there, hungry, sweaty, exhausted, mad.

You have ultimately decided that the best course of action is to behave and do whatever that crazy fucking bitch wants and hopefully gain his trust.

Again hopefully the police will find you here before anything drastic happens.

Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard the sound of the muffled sound of the bedroom door unlocking.

Terrified, you sprang up and scooted all the way back to the headboard preparing yourself to see Koren again.

Seconds later the door opened and you were greeted by Koren's smiling face, "I'm home my love, I hope today wasn't too rough for you..." Koren said while taking off his jacket.

Koren began walking towards the bed, you pulled your legs to your chest, wrapping your arms around them in an attempt to hide yourself I guess.

Koren giggled at the sight, you were too cute! "No need to be so scared (y/n) I already told you I would never harm you" Koren expressed affectionately while tucking a stray hair behind your ear.

Without thinking Koren grabbed your face, kissing you, covering your face in pepper kisses followed by pulling you in a tight hug "I missed you so fucking much..." Koren said muffled by your hair.

You cringe at the affection but remind yourself this is what needs to be done.

After a minute Koren finally let you go and looked down at you, affection and love all over his handsome face.

"I don't expect you to return my affections yet my love... but you're going to have to eventually" Koren stated followed by a giggle.

Koren's expression changed from loving to unreadable once he looked at your bruised elbow, you flinched not knowing what to expect.

Koren roughly grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him directly "No more trying to break windows (y/n), you need to be good. And if you ignore your food again there will be punishments, I have no issues force-feeding you." Koren explained coldly.

Once again like nothing, his expression switched back to loving and affectionate followed by him giggling "Don't think that just because I love you I won't punish bratty behavior... I'm taking care of you, you shouldn't really be grateful." Koren explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

It was taking every for you not to punch this man in the face and beat him up, but you bit your tongue and took the scolding like a child.

Koren let go of your chin and kissed you once more "Now I'm sure you still have plenty of questions... but you're going to take a bath and eat first." The second he finished talking he wasted no time picking you up bridal style and carrying you to the bathroom, knocking the wind out of your chest.

The second you both made it to the bathroom Koren set you down on the toilet and began taking off your shirt.

Oh fuck no.

"Wait stop! I can do that myself!" You exclaimed covering your body and turning yourself away, Koren sighed before responding "(y/n) don't argue with me, I'm just trying to take care of you." Koren explained in a soft tone.

"I can take care of myself..." you grumbled in response, once again Koren sighed and rolled his eyes. He didn't see the big deal he wasn't planning on touching you inappropriately, he just wanted to bathe you...

Sometimes he forgets you are much more innocent than he his "Fine I'll start the bath water you undress yourself... but I will be bathing you don't argue." Koren said as he turned towards the bath.

You sighed in frustration, you really wanted to kill him.

Stay calm. Deep breaths (y/n). The police will find you. Koren will go to jail and you'll never have to see him again. Maybe you can even write a stupid survivor book or whatever...


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