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It was currently Saturday you had successfully made it through your first week at your new job, the restaurant was closed on the weekends surprisingly so you had Saturdays and Sundays off.

As much as you'd love to be relaxing right now you and your uncle were currently sweating like pigs moving moving boxes and some furniture, what are you doing you may ask?

Well, you and your uncle are helping your new neighbor move in.

Valen dragged you out of your bed this morning at 6:00 am sharp to help her, you were really annoyed at first but surprisingly you and your new neighbor are getting along pretty well.

"(Y/n)! Come take a break with me I made sandwiches and lemonade!" You were already at the table patiently waiting for your sandwich before she could finish her sentence.

Josie Flores giggled at your behavior and set your lunch down in front of you and you both began eating.

Josie Flores, she was young and new to town about twenty-four, and starting her new job as a first-grade teacher at the local elementary school.

You figured that was the reason you felt so comfortable around her, I guess that's a quality you need to have if you're gonna be working with kids every day.

"Wait what about my uncle?" You asked "Oh I already asked him he just flexed his muscles and said something about breaks being for the weak" You rolled your eyes while she giggled at the man's behavior.

"Oh, he told me you got a new job at a restaurant in town? What's it like?" The woman asks curiously "It's pretty good so far, the food and service is good if you wanna stop by, as far as the job there is one weird guy working there."

"Weird guy? Weird like how? Is he bothering you?" The woman asked with a hint of concern. "Nothing crazy my other co-worker gave me a warning about him being a flirt with other female staff, he was bugging me a bit the other day then he asked to be my friend I felt bad so I said yes."

You decided to leave out the part of your apparent 'plans' with him on Sunday.

The woman laughed a bit "He sounds pretty harmless but your friend is right I would be careful just in case, that reminds me though feel free not to tell me but have you ever had a boyfriend?"
The woman asks as she's curious to get to know more about you.

"Yeah, I had one in high school but he was a grade above me so we split once he graduated." Josie nodded her head in understanding before she continued "Did it make you sad? Do you miss him?" She asks.

"I mean, yes and no he was moving on to bigger things, and doing long distance would probably suck, I wanted the best for him at the end of the day, I do miss him sometimes." Before the woman could respond you asked her "What about you? Have you had a boyfriend?"

Josie giggled, she likes you and is happy you want to know more about her, "I did a little while ago but things didn't end great so I've taken a long break from the dating world and focusing on myself." The woman replied sipping her lemonade.

"How did things end badly? If you don't mind me asking?" Josie looked sad for a moment "It's not a pretty story I'm not sure if I should even tell you we just met and you're so young.."

You laughed a bit before responding "I'm nineteen so not that much younger than you plus I like trauma dumping" you stated bluntly giving a thumbs up.

The truth is that you don't normally do this but you really like Josie and as far as her looks and personality goes you're curious as to how her relationship went south.

The woman laughed it's going to take a minute to get used to your blunt way of speaking but so far she thinks it's cute.
"Well if you insist it's not a fun story though"

You nodded you were excited about the story.

"I was about twenty at the time and still in university not far from here actually, I and a couple of friends were going to a bar and that's where I met him, turns out we had some mutual friends with the older people in my friend group, He was your typical jaw dropper for everyone"

"I remember all the girls in my group were basically obsessed with him and even betting on who would go home with him that night, at the time I was obsessed with this ideology of 'being different' and 'not being a follower' so even though I also thought he was quite attractive I pretended not to care"

"Anyway the night goes on people start leaving, but before I left he ended up asking for my number.. obviously I said yes while trying to act all cool about it, it's kind of embarrassing looking back especially since I was freaking out on the inside"

"I remember I was such a hopeless romantic back then and the fact that out of all the girls there that night he chose me, feel free to laugh at me when I say this but I felt like the main character of a romance novel"

Josie blushed while explaining that part and you did indeed chuckle a bit mostly because you thought it was cute and innocent.

"Anyways It got better as I got to know him more, he was so charming and caring like an actual prince. We had so much in common it was like the more time we spent together the more I thought we were meant to be together it's naive I know."

"I basically opened up to him about everything in my life, my dreams, my family situation, my fears and insecurities everything. We dated for almost a year and I thought everything in my life was perfect I thought that he was the man I was gonna marry and we were gonna have kids and grow old together and blah blah blah you get it"

"It was all crushed though, because one night walking home I walked in on him and my sister."

You let out an audible gasp shits gettin' real.

"He knew that my relationship with my sister had always been rocky which hurt even more, but the worst part was that he didn't even seem sorry? Like here I was crying like an idiot and it was like he was just looking through me"

You chimed in to ask a question "Sorry for interrupting but what's up with your sister? And do you two still talk?"

"No it's fine I've moved on from it and accepted it but when it came to my mom my sister was always her golden child even though to everyone else she was clearly the troubled one, my sister knew this, and took pleasure in rubbing it in my face."

"It didn't surprise me when my mom took her side in this whole fiasco and blamed me for not being able to 'please' him like my sister could. As for talking, no. I cut both of them off after that incident I only talk to my dad and his side of the family now."

"Anyways life goes on I moved out of our apartment and moved on with my life and haven't heard anything about him since other than he and my sister didn't end up together or anything like that which did make me a little happier"

"What a dick" you stated while taking a bite of your sandwich.

Josie laughed and your statement and agreed, "Well I hope my sad story at least gave you some advice." Josie said picking up your plates.

"Hey! You should date my uncle he's a good guy and we'll take care of you" you stated bluntly with a smile.

The woman broke into a fit of laughter after a moment of silence "That's very sweet (y/n) but he's a bit too old for me" Josie replied still giggling a bit.

You shrugged your shoulders Valen would probably say the same thing "Well it was that guy's loss and at least you'll never have to see him again!"

Josie smiled and agreed with you.

Words spoken much too soon.


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