𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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Koren was currently at work, practically counting the hours until close at this point.

He's gotten over his initial sadness of leaving his once beloved restaurant, now that he thinks of it, his restaurant is a representation of who he used to be.

The twisted Casanova, a wolf in sheep's clothing that enjoyed mentally torturing women.

That's not who he is anymore, now he was your lover, and you were his. His only life purpose now was to love and care for you.

He didn't have much in this town that he held dear beside you of course but he's taking you with him, and his brother Caden.

Once you and him get settled into the cabin house he will start having Caden over, but he wasn't too worried about it as Caden was busy with his activities.

Koren's train of thought was interrupted as someone barged into the men's bathroom where he was washing his hands.

It was Lonnie.

Koren was surprised she came in there as ever since the day Koren threatened her in the storage closet she's avoided him like the plague.

Lonnie in question didn't look so great, which was unusual as the woman has always made it a point to keep herself pretty well-groomed.

Her tied-up hair was dry and matted, she looked pale with bags under her eyes, she looked like a zombie.

"I know you had something to do with it"

Koren finished drying his hands and looked at her with a raised eyebrow "Excuse me?" He asked with an indifferent tone.

Lonnie scoffed and rolled her eyes "Don't act fucking stupid you know what I'm talking about...(y/n)?" Lonnie asked irritated.

Koren snorted in response and rolled his eyes "Sure Lonnie now I have to get back to work, it's my last day I'd appreciate it if you didn't ruin it for me" Koren stated while trying to walk towards the door.

Lonnie stepped in front of the man, blocking the door "I'm not moving until you admit it." Koren let out a long annoyed sigh, rubbing his temples.

"Okay Lon, what makes you think I had anything to do with it..." Koren asked dryly "Oh I don't know, it's just that you acted crazy over her, she goes missing, and now you're moving hours away?" Lonnie stated sarcastically.

Koren laughed in disbelief, "Sure Lonnie I had something to do with it, now if you would kindly fuck off? That would be nice" Koren snapped sarcastically.

"Whatever I just can't wait until you get caught and your ass is thrown in jail" Lonnie bit back with venom.

"Lonnie haven't already had this conversation before? That you're all bark and no bite? You should really stay in your lane" Koren mocked as he shoved past her towards the door.

"Oh that reminds me, Dan asked me the pass the message that you're fired," Koren said followed by muffled cackles as he left the bathroom.

It was true, Dan did ask Koren to fire Lonnie.

A lot of staff has been complaining for weeks that Lonnie's been doing a shit job, she probably thinks that he fired her as a last blow before he leaves but that's not true

He honestly was never planning on firing her unless she tried screwing things up again, but she's not as tough as she pretends to be so obviously she didn't.

But he did think it was funny.

On the other hand, the kitchen staff has been pretty sad about his leaving, I mean he's been their boss for a while now so some people felt close to him.

At least two waitresses have pulled Koren aside to confess their undying love for him.

Koren used to think things like that were amusing but obviously, now that he was enamored with you he didn't care.

Koren looked down at his watch to check the time and smirked

Only four hours left.


𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 ❥Where stories live. Discover now