"Then what is it?"

"I don't know, he hasn't told me."

"Does he tell you anything? Aren't you his direct student?"

Dai knows that Kushina is right. For several years, Ming Dai has been the direct student of Muto Sora. For years, he has had the ear of the academy's headmaster. For years, he has had his confidence. However, Muto Sora has many secrets, secrets that he doesn't share with anybody, even his direct students. It is physically impossible for Headmaster Sora to reach the same level as Furst Jonas as things stand, that is why he has had to fight him in the darkest shadows where even Queen Nadia and King Swen couldn't see him.

It is because Headmaster Sora has been so secretive that no resistance against Furst has ever formed. All Furst's enemies contain their aggression within their hearts and look to him for the first sign of a rebellion. No rebellion has ever come though, because the truth is that the academy's headmaster is too weak. That's why years have passed where Furst's enemies have searched for somewhere who could honestly stand up and declare war against the emperor. That's why hope has finally started to return to the land, because although he may not know it, Uzumaki Naruto is that man.

"If he is refusing to tell even Naruto and I then it may well be something terrible or dangerous, whatever your power is, it's better we don't know," Dai declares resolutely, "I'm sorry that I can't tell you more, I would if I could, but I'm sure there's nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about," Himawari gasps, "How dare you!"

"Himawari" Hinata begins, only for her daughter to cut her off.

"Since coming to the f to this place, do you know what my mother has had to endure. She's endured than most of our Kage can imagine, more than your generals in any of your armies. She was thrust into a world she was unfamiliar with, forced into inaction as my father fought General Clyde in a life and death battle. She lost control to a power from your world that was hidden within her and it almost cost her life when she used it against someone she thought was an ally. Since she came to this place the danger has only gotten worse, and now someone knows what it is that's consuming her and they won't even tell her. How is that supposed to be right? How is that fair?"

Dai says nothing. How can he possibly justify it when he doesn't know the full story?

"It's alright Himawari," Hinata says gently, "If this is what"

"It's not alright!" Himawari snaps back. "You're not the only one who is afraid of that power within you. Most of these shinobi consider you a second mother, an advisor to the village that they grew up with. The soldiers consider you the wise and gentle wife of Uzumaki Naruto who saved their lives. You are a mother to me and a wife to dad. We are all terrified of that power within you. Imagine what it's like having to worry every time you go into battle that you will collapse, that you won't be able to defend yourself. It's scary mother, it's scary."

Hinata pauses. "I'm sorry, Himawari."

Himawari holds her head in one hand. "No, I'm sorry, that was out of order. I've just felt so lost since Boruto left us. He was always there when I was young, even when dad couldn't be."

"Boruto?" Dai asks.

"Uzumaki Boruto, he's my son." Hinata explains, "He's still alive, but he's on a different path to us right now."

The Future: Naruto Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें