Chapter 180

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Kurosawa Hideaki put down the undrinked soda can that was brought to his mouth.

Zhu Fu Jingguang's appearance after turning on the bracelet was that of a standard foreigner, which had nothing to do with his original appearance.

How did you recognize Curacao?

Although these two men had worked under Rum before, they probably weren't familiar enough to recognize them just by looking at them.

It's not suitable for Jing Guang to reveal his identity before the matter is over, it's too dangerous.

Kurosawa Hideaki subconsciously glanced at Kazami.

The dedicated police officer’s eyes fell into space, looking very confused.

Kurosawa Hideaki raised his hand and took a sip of coffee.

The taste is not very good, but when you enter the mouth, you still feel the excitement reflexively. The unique smell of coffee rushed into his nostrils, and he couldn't help taking another sip.

This is not going to work, everyone's attention has to be diverted.

"Curaçao, let's talk about you." Kurosawa Hideaki put the canned coffee that he drank only two sips on the bedside table, "You misidentified the person, his name is Lukes."

Curacao was silent for a moment.

She had only met Scotland once, but Scotland's tone and voice when he spoke were so recognizable that she could never mistake him for it.

Although I don't know how Scotland changed its face and became what it is now, without any trace of disguise. But through the existence of Scotland, at least it can be confirmed that the benefits promised by Hideaki Kurosawa are true.

"What do you want to ask?" Curacao slowly blinked his dry eyes, "I told you in advance that I have never seen Rum."

"Yes." Kurosawa Hideaki was not surprised, "Tell me about your experience in the organization."

He picked up the recording pen, saved what Yokota said just now, created a new recording file and put it back in place.

"When I was a teenager, I was selected by the organization boss to join the organization." Curacao did not hide it. "After the preliminary training was completed, I worked for the organization boss for a period of time. But because my memory is not controllable, I often forget Save some things that the organization boss doesn't want others to remember."

"People who know too many secrets often don't live long. The boss's fear of me is increasing day by day, and it soon becomes unbearable."

The narration is smooth and exciting. Holding the cheesecake in his hands, Hideaki Kurosawa felt as if he was listening to an audio broadcast.

"He sent Belmod to kill me. When he was about to do it, the electronic surveillance in the execution room was compromised. Rum stopped Belmod and said that I could be used by him. From then on, I became directly belonging to Rum. people."

Curacao was very calm when talking about this experience. She raised her hand and tucked a strand of silver hair that fell on her cheek behind her ear.

Before going to the organization, she also fantasized about her future life.

What books to read, what to study, what kind of friends to make and what kind of person you will become in the future.

Before becoming Curacao, she was just an ordinary person with a better memory than others.

Kurosawa Hideaki glanced at Curacao, paused, and glanced again.

She is a little sad.

Kurosawa Hideaki scraped the bottom of the cake box with a wooden spoon, "It seems that after Rum hacked the surveillance in the execution room, he drove away Belmode and talked to you."

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