Chapter 158

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"The enemy will not show mercy to you." Kurosawa Hideaki lowered his eyelids, changed his clothes, and as soon as he stood in the dojo, Kazami Yuya sighed softly, "Mr. Furutani once said such a thing."

Hideaki Kurosawa adjusted his belt and said, "Obviously, all good police officers should think this way."

Kazami Yuya:......

I don't know why his two superiors seem to be very tacit in scolding him.

"Stand opposite me." Kurosawa Hideaki didn't give Kazami Yuya any room to refuse, "Let's warm up first."

"Okay." Kazami Yuya was about to cry, picked up his phone and sent a message to Fugu Ling who was having a meeting in the conference room.

Please be sure to come and save me after the meeting.

Kurosawa Hideaki turned his wrist. Fighting is not only about skills, but winning or losing is also related to weight.

Although he is 1.8 meters tall, his weight is a bit lighter than that of ordinary adult men, so he lacks in strength, but he is better in dexterity.

Kurosawa Hideaki pinpointed Kazami Yuya's joints, hooked him hard, and then split his palm under the opponent's ribs. When he couldn't bear the pain and bent over, he stretched out his hand to grab Kazami Yuya's collar, turned around and slammed it hard.

Kazami Yuya fell to the ground like a big bag of cement.

Kurosawa Hideaki went around to Kazami Yuya and spread out his hands, "There are too many flaws, I can't care about the bottom but not the top."

Kazami Yuya took his hand and stood up with strength, "Sorry, please let me do it again."


Kurosawa Hideaki took a step back and distanced himself from Kazami, "Actually, my weakness is obvious when I don't have a gun."

After he prompted, he raised his lips in interest, "You have to rely on your brain when fighting. Although I have some doubts about the police department's selection process, you are Jiang Guling's subordinate after all. You should not be stupid enough to be like Xiyuan and that kind of police officer." degree."

Kazami Yu also laughed dryly, "Are you complimenting me?"

"Of course." Kurosawa Hideaki didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his wording, "Come on!"

Kazami Yuya:......

Didn’t you say it made me think? Give me some time to think!

Kurosawa Hideaki's side kick was blocked by Kazami Yuya raising his hand. He expected that the opponent would block like this, so the back of his foot just landed on the numb tendon on the side of his arm.

Kazami Yuya hissed, caught off guard and took a step back to avoid Kurosawa Hideaki's next attack.

"I know you have read the report about me." Hidemi Kurosawa kicked the place where he had kicked before. "Since you know that I like to attack joints, why don't you protect me more?"

"Sorry, I didn't have time." Kazami Yuya raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, "Why do you like to attack joints?"

"You need to ask questions to know the answer to such a trivial matter?" Kurosawa Hideaki chuckled, "The head grows on your neck, is it just a decoration?"

Kazami Yuya:......

"Please give me some time."

"The enemy will not set aside time for you to think." Kurosawa Hideaki finished ruthlessly. He was caught off guard and swept his lower body. Although the kick was not strong enough, it used a little body weight, which was enough to make the foot unsteady. Feng Jian Yu also staggered.

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