Chapter 107

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What a novel detonating device.

Kurosawa reached out to touch the sandwich in the microwave.

He was completely carbonized and would shatter when touched.

Tadao Kitajima pushed his glasses, "If I were next to this microwave oven, then I might be the one who is carbonized now."

"Because people are relatively large, generally speaking they won't be so badly burned in a short period of time." Kurosawa Hideaki reached out and closed the door of the microwave oven, "You may only be burned on the outside, but on the inside... well... "

Kitajima Tadao:......

"I just……"

"You just want me to be happy, don't be so serious like now." Kurosawa Hideaki paused, smiled at Kitajima Tadao, and then looked at the cabinet under the gas stove in the kitchen, "I understand your kindness. ."

"Oh, okay."

"Hmm." Kurosawa Hideaki looked at the main gas switch below.

The apartment Bei Dao lives in was built in the past two years, so many facilities are very new, even the gas switch hidden in the cabinet is a push-button type.

According to all previous signs and reasoning, the murderer realized the crime through remote control.

In other words, the murderer was not at the scene when the crime was committed, and could not even see the scene.

If he could see the scene, he wouldn't have known that Tadao Bei Dao wasn't at home at that time, and he couldn't achieve the purpose of killing at this time.

But the question is, since the murderer was not at the scene, how did he cut open the gas pipe to leak the gas to a concentration sufficient to cause an explosion?

Are there two criminals?

When Kurosawa Hideaki thought about it, the Yumaga Police Department looked confused.

The scene was too clean, the murderer left almost no flaws, it was a perfect crime, and now all hope of solving the case rested on Officer Kurosawa alone.

"The person who opened the gas pipe and the person who pressed the "detonator" should not be the same person." Amuro said.

"It's really not one." Kurosawa Hideaki stood up, "From the perspective of behavior, the person who pressed the detonator has a strong desire to control, and is an absolute superior. He is thoughtful and extremely confident. This superior and The half-assed party thrower we met at the Heights was different."

"The standard absolute superiors don't like to do things themselves. They have a boring self-esteem and think that this kind of behavior is very cheap. They are very good at inciting others to do things for them." Kurosawa Hideaki paused for a second, and then added, "Do it anything."

Just like this person who was instigated by the main criminal to cut off the gas pipeline.

"Indeed." Kitajima Tadao answered, "This kind of person is like Moriarty. They are good at instigating others, and they are willing to incite others. Their pleasure comes from dominating others."

"That's right." Kurosawa Hideaki glanced sideways at Bei Dao's bald head, "Which school did you work as a professor?"

"Toto University." Kitajima Tadao clenched his fists excitedly, inexplicably feeling the excitement he felt after being named and praised by his instructor when he was in school.

"Well, I hope you can write more papers and give more lectures after this incident is over."

Bei Dao: Huh? Are you really going to assign me a paper? please do not? No hair!

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