Chapter 114 Tokyo is set on fire - Hiding from Surveillance

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"" Kurosawa Hideaki smiled restrainedly, pursing his lips, "Since this special mobile team is at the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department, why don't we check it now and ask about the situation at that time."

"Yes." As soon as Madeira finished answering, Kurosawa Hideaki's cell phone vibrated immediately.

He picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"Officer Kurosawa, I just saw a Porsche 356A downstairs in the Metropolitan Police Department, and it left the Metropolitan Police Department with a police officer wearing glasses!"

Conan's rapid breathing came from the other end of the phone.

"Is that car yours?"

"No, my car was bombed." Kurosawa Hideaki replied blankly.


"That's what you heard." Kurosawa Hideaki stretched out his hand and hugged the materials of other victims that Madeira had sorted out, "So what? What do you want to tell me?"

Conan finally realized, "It's GIN! GIN came to pick up the people who infiltrated and searched the meeting! The organization is also paying attention to this incident!"

Kurosawa Hideaki frowned slightly, but immediately realized that now is not the time to think, this is a good opportunity!

"The organization is of course also looking at this case."

"Why?" Conan's voice raised, and the slightly higher-pitched sound of the engine and wind came from the phone.

Kurosawa Hideaki immediately determined that this was a small electric engine, and Conan was now moving at high speed.

"Why would the organization pay attention to such a serial murder case? We had agreed to share information before!" Conan asked anxiously.

"Of course, I keep my word." Kurosawa Hideaki paused for a moment. I don't know the exact reason why the organization paid attention to these cases, but I was very clear why GIN paid attention to this case. "


Conan swallowed loudly.

"Gin will follow whatever case I pay attention to. It's as simple as that." After Kurosawa Hideaki finished speaking, only light breathing could be heard through the phone receiver.

"What do you mean?" Conan asked in confusion.

"Literally." Kurosawa Hideaki held the phone in one hand, and piles of case materials in the other hand. It was inconvenient to open the door. He was about to tilt his head to clamp the phone when the closed study door opened in front of him. .

He smiled at Made, who opened the door, and said to Conan, "By the way, do you know what day of the week it is?"

"Friday?" Conan replied subconsciously.

"Well, what a coincidence, isn't it?" Kurosawa Hideaki finished speaking and hung up the phone.

I hope Conan hasn't forgotten the "Friday" story he made up with his eyes closed.

There is no need to say more about the rest, smart people like Kudo Shinichi will help him complete it.

very nice.

If the "fake" Matsumoto hadn't blown up the Porsche to lure him away from the search meeting, he would have recognized one of the organizers who was supposed to be a police officer in the meeting.

At this time, according to his character, he will definitely decide to take a long-term approach to catch the big fish.

If he really does this, he will definitely be the one who witnesses Gin pick up members of the organization in the police station. In full public view, it would be impossible for him not to go up and identify and arrest the person.

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