Chapter 164 The Color of Nightmare (4)

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There is no feeling at the tip of the tongue.

Kurosawa Hideaki pressed the base of his tongue against the sides of his teeth, and took a light breath. The cold air in the restaurant mixed with the smell of curry passed through the unconscious tongue bed, bringing a burst of coolness. Suddenly there was a little more water in the empty water glass in front of him.

He looked up at Fugu Ling, who was just putting his half-empty cup back on the coaster, saying that drinking water while eating curry was disrespectful to curry, so he really didn't drink a sip of water.

"Do you only need to drink half a cup?" Kurosawa Hideaki frowned, his voice was a little hoarse, he could only accept the spiciness of black pepper at most, and the spicy curry was really a bit reluctant.

With a clear cough, he picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip of ice water to hold it.

"I just need to rinse my mouth." Jiang Gu Ling paused, "Sorry."

Kurosawa Hideaki looked at Zero unexpectedly. Rei Furuya's shoulders leaned forward slightly, and he pursed his lips tightly, looking a little serious. After saying "sorry", he picked up the napkin at hand to wipe off the remaining curry on his lips, and then rubbed it lightly with this movement lips.

——Conflict, self-blame.

Jiang Gu Ling blinked slowly, folded the wiped tissue and pressed it under the spoon, with the tip of his tongue against his jaw, ready to speak.

"The curry is delicious, but it's a little... hot." Kurosawa Hideaki's eyes wandered for a moment, "But it would be a pity to miss this delicacy because of this."

He paused, then continued, "Thank you for sharing this shop with me, next time I will try the non-spicy curry."

Of course, it can't just be the case.

"Look at me." Kurosawa Hideaki said.

Jiang Gu Ling: "Huh?"

Kazami Yuya, who came back after refilling the meal and was about to continue eating, paused for a moment, looking at Kurosawa Hideaki.

Well, not calling him.

"Zero, look at me." Hideaki Kurosawa said to the stunned Rei Fukiya, "You will do an experiment with me and I will forgive you."

"Okay, what experiment?"

"Are there any meetings to be held in the afternoon?" Kurosawa Hideaki suddenly asked.

"No more, what's the matter?" Jiang Gu Ling tilted his head, wondering what the arrangement in the afternoon has to do with the next experiment. Could it be that the experiment will take a long time?

"The task has been completed, there is nothing else to do, the club doesn't go to work until ten o'clock in the evening."

Kurosawa Hideo understood, because this is a public place, so Zero replaced the clearly directional word 'organization' with a community.

"look into my eyes."

Fukiya had no conditioned reflex to look into Hideaki Kurosawa's eyes. The moment their eyes met, Hideaki Kurosawa said, "Please make me cheesecake for a day."

"...Okay." Jiang Gu Ling struggled for a moment, and then complied with the request.

Wow! It actually worked!

Kurosawa Hideaki happily patted the table lightly.

He absolutely didn't use any hypnosis techniques or psychological suggestion techniques just now, he just said a word!

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