Chapter 110 Tokyo is set on fire - The Explosion

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"So what big case made you temporarily put down the gas explosion case?"


Kurosawa Hideaki keenly caught the electronic voice coming from the receiver, "Did you go to the convenience store?"

"Hmm." Toru Amuro lifted a whole bucket of transparent coffee drinks from the shelf and put them into the small shopping cart, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"It's a homicide case that needs to be jointly handled. It's a case of the First Search Division. After looking at the photos, I always feel that the matter is not that simple."

Kurosawa Hideaki tilted his head and clamped the phone, picked up a piece of dark chocolate from the snack basket on the small coffee table in the lounge, tore open the package and stuffed it into his mouth.

"From the photos, it seems that the prisoner is just an ordinary murderer who used brake failure to kill, but judging from the information left at the crime scene, the suspect is not ordinary."

"How to say?"

"In this case..." Kurosawa Hideaki drawled, "I think you will know it soon."

He clicked the dark chocolate in his mouth and said, "The management officer is here. It looks like he is going to have another meeting. He has hung up."

Kurosawa Hideaki hung up the phone neatly.

The chunky chocolate was a bit too viscous to eat, and while the bitterness was desirable, this strange texture was really… 

Thanks for not being sensitive.

Dark chocolate is better made into brownies, and it is best to add a layer of cheese flow in the middle.

Kurosawa Hideaki bit off the sticky feeling in his mouth, and walked to the small conference room of the First Search Division. His place was arranged in the southeast corner.

Manager Matsumoto sat near the window in the southwest corner, and he didn't seem to like to sit together with people.

The two of them sat in two corners in front of the meeting room, like two stone lions guarding their territory.

Kurosawa Hideaki propped his chin and squinted at Manager Matsumoto who was sitting directly opposite.

He was sitting just under the window, and the light came in from behind.

Because of the backlight, from this angle, only the administrator's silhouette and dark face can be seen.


I felt a little strange since the press conference this morning, but since Administrator Matsumoto has always been far away from him, there was no chance to confirm it.

Kurosawa Hideaki looked away and looked at the police officers sitting on their seats one after another on his left.

"Watch me show off my skills this time!" A man in a blue suit sat down confidently.

Kurosawa Hideaki caught a glimpse of his iconic mustache. What is this uncle’s name?

Ah...Moori Kogoro.

He glanced down at Maori's slightly open suit pocket.

Judging from the direction of the opening and the folds of the clothes, the person who opened the pocket was not Maori himself.

He thought for a moment, leaned over and sniffed Maori's suit with the tip of his nose, and then pretended to show a disgusted expression, "Have you smoked a lot of cigarettes outside?"

Me Dressed As Gin's Younger BrotherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ