Chapter 9 The Shrunken Detective

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It was not difficult to evade the patrolmen in the paradise, but how could he evade Madeira's questioning?

If this child is indeed Kudo Shinichi, why did he become smaller?

The place where he fainted was inaccessible. In a tropical park that sells amusement facilities, few people would go to the time-consuming jungle maze. But Kudo Shinichi, who had become smaller, was lying at the emergency exit at the back of the jungle maze.

There were at least four people's footprints on the grass in that place. Based on the angle at which the grass roots were crushed, the weight and dwell time could be judged. There was a high probability that two pairs of footprints belonged to the elder brother and his burly subordinate.

Kurosawa Hideaki stopped in the shadow of the exit with the unconscious little boy in his arms, and could not let the child appear in front of Madeira.

Because the reason why Kudo Shinichi became younger is probably because he witnessed his brother's transaction scene. If Madeira was sending reports of his actions to Gin every day, he couldn't explain the sudden appearance of this child.

Kurosawa Hideaki holds the little boy with one hand, his unfamiliar movements are like a young father taking his child to the amusement park for the first time.

He couldn't care less about the awkward posture and immediately took out his mobile phone, "Hello? Madeira."

"Master." The deacon's voice sounded with a smile, "You know, I don't have the ability to ask Tropical Paradise to extend working hours for you. If you haven't had enough fun, we can come back next time."

Kurosawa Hideaki ignored the other party's ridicule, "I'll go back by myself later."

"What's wrong? Do you want to have an adventure in the paradise after closing?" Madeira was a little surprised, "I thought you were mature enough that you wouldn't be interested in such things."

If he denies it at this time, he may be questioned by Madeira.

If he admitted it, it was obviously a lie, and Madera would still find a way to find an opportunity to follow him.


"It's none of your business, Madeira." After Kurosawa Hideaki finished speaking, he hung up the phone and went to the taxi waiting area.

The tropical paradise is not far from the apartment, and it only took the experienced taxi driver fifteen minutes to reach the destination.

"Guest, you are so young." The elderly taxi driver said as he opened the door for Kurosawa Hideaki. "You don't look like the father of a six-year-old child."

His expression was full of suspicion, and his fingers kept pressing on the emergency alarm device.

"Really? I think so. I was really not qualified before, but now I want to be nicer to him. A child cannot grow up without his father."

Hideaki Kurosawa lowered the hood over Kudo Shinichi's head very naturally, "But it's so hard to take care of children. Your grandson is almost six years old, right?"

"Yes, you are really accurate." The old man showed a loving smile, and he dispelled his doubts. Most Japanese professional men don't take care of their families. If his son-in-law is also a man like Kurosawa Hideaki, his daughter will not work so hard.

"Have a nice evening."

"Thank you." Kurosawa Hideaki paid by swiping his card on the POS machine without changing his face, and then went upstairs to go home. In order to avoid the surveillance in the elevator, he even took the stairs on purpose.

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