Chapter 106

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He put his index finger on his wrist, took off the glove on his other hand, and looked at the belated forensic personnel.

"Arrange all the documents in the study. As long as there are words on them, even if there is only one word, send them to the top floor of the Metropolitan Police Department."

The police officer from the forensics department was stunned, "You want them all?"

if not?

What did he say that was not clear enough?

"I thought you weren't taking taxpayer money for nothing."

Kurosawa Hideaki put his hands in his pockets and firmly grasped the gloves that he had taken off before, "If you want to retire early, retire early and give this position to young people who are willing to work."

"What do you mean?" The forensic officer's chest rose and fell violently several times, suppressing his anger, "Why do you say that I -"

"—With all these useless things in your workbox!"

Kurosawa Hideaki suddenly stepped forward and opened the box. The tools that were not neatly arranged were scattered on the floor.

"You came to the scene of the explosion to collect evidence and even forgot to bring the evidence bag and record board. What are you doing here? What? Could it be that the sliced ​​meat in the sandwich you ate before departure was your brain?!"

The staff of the forensic department pursed their lips, unable to find any rebuttal.

Because Officer Kurosawa was right.

He did eat a sandwich before he came. Because it took a long time to heat the sandwiches, he and several other forensics staff failed to catch the first wave of police cars arriving at the scene.

They are late.

But it is normal for the forensic department to be late. There are so many explosions in Tokyo, Japan every year, many of which are accidents and unsolved cases. Even if an on-site investigation is conducted, it will be of no use.

Just one time late.

It's just that there is no evidence bag.

Kurosawa Hideaki slowly took a deep breath, and let go of the silicone gloves that were tightly held.

The policeman from the forensics department turned his head sideways at this time, squinted, the corners of his mouth were turned down, his eyeballs were rolled up, and more of the lower white of his eyes was exposed.

He knew that his behavior was wrong, but he was not convinced.

Ha, ridiculous.

"Get out." Kurosawa Hideaki said calmly, "If you don't want to do it, let the person who wants to do it."

The man blinked in humiliation.

"Do you feel shameless? The crime scene does not need the useless self-esteem of a forensic officer. Does your behavior respect the three innocent people who died here?"

Kurosawa Hideaki glanced at the tools scattered on the ground and said, "You are not worthy of using them."

"Officer Kurosawa." Police Yumaga's voice came from behind.


"Sorry, I will report the problem of the forensic department to the higher ups." Yumaga Police Department tried to comfort Hideaki Kurosawa who looked a little anxious, "We have to go to Professor Kitajima's house."

He doesn't usually have much contact with Kurosawa Hideaki, so he can only speculate on how he gets along with Police Officer Kurosawa through the few words he got from communicating with Megure Police Department.

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