Chapter 130

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"They are so cute! I love how your son has heterochromia for his eyes! They're so pretty! Have you thought of a name yet?"

Gregory was standing in Saphira's room with a cast on his arm. It had been eight hours since Saphira had fallen asleep, and the twins woke her up for their first diaper change. Thankfully, Mr Hippo had been there to help as Freddy had to undergo intense repairs to his body, which was where he was currently. But Darren had decided to have Mr Hippo help Saphira, so while the pizzaplex was open right now, both Mr Hippo and Freddy were listed as 'Out of Order'. Sure, it meant there would be angry customers right now, but Saphira needed help. After all, she had just given birth, and she was healing from it, which will take quite sometime to happen.

Saphira smiled at Gregory as he looked into the cribs of both babies. They were both asleep, but the boy had been here to see them awake and he was so happy to see them. "I love his eyes too. But they are both beautiful. I am just glad they are healthy. At least we know they have healthy lungs."

Mr Hippo nodded in agreement. He was still not pleased that he had to be the one to change their diaper, but Saphira was able to help by telling him what to do. "They do, indeed. At least it seems that while their skeleton might be metal, they might be able to live a relatively normal life."

"That's going to be a weird talk when they're older." Gregory looked at the babies before looking at Saphira with a smile. "I could help with that talk. I'll probably be twenty when they're old enough to learn about it."

Saphira chuckled in amusement at the boy's offer to help her with the twins regarding things when they are older. "Thanks, Gregory, but I think that is a conversation reserved for my, Freddy and the animatronics. You haven't really been here for very long, would be best if you leave that talk to us."

"I get it." Gregory was not upset by that at all. "Anyway, you did not answer my question before, Saphira." She smiled as he placed his hand on his hip. "Have you picked out names for them yet? Maybe I can give you some ideas."

Saphira had been thinking about the names she would pick for the babies, and there were some she liked. Eventually she did settle on the two names that she wanted to name the twins, but she wanted Freddy to be present. "I have picked the names. But I am keeping them to myself until Freddy is back."

"Really?" She nodded affirmatively to the boy's question. Gregory really wanted to know the names of the babies, but he did not pressure her to say their names. "I guess because you have appointed him as the dad, you want him to be involved with the naming process." Gregory looked at the babies again before he yawned suddenly. "Oh, man! I am tired...last night was really...really a lot."

"You should go and rest, Gregory. Your shoulder needs time to heal. And the babies shouldn't disturb you too much now that they are in here with me." The boy hoped that was the case as he too needed sleep. He got some at the hospital, but he was needing more. "How long did the doctors predict for your shoulder to heal?"

"A few months...though I'll probably find out when I go back for a check up at some point." Gregory looked down into the cribs with a smile. "You are so cute. Does this technically make me their brother?" He looked up as Saphira simply smiled without a response. "I know you were happy with me seeing you as a sister...but...I do think you could be like my mother...I know calling you mom might not be something I do, but..."

"You can see me as a sister or a mother, Gregory. I am not forcing you to change your feelings about me. I am happy and honored you are seeing me as a mother, but I personally think it is up to you. You are smart, and you are very switched on about this world. So I think it perfectly okay for you to go with your feelings. But as for the babies, you can definitely see them as your siblings." The boy was overjoyed to hear that. "And I know you will be the best big brother in the world."

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