Chapter 43

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Saphira did get to fix Monty after she was able to rest and he took much less time to fix then Bonnie. Poor Darren nearly had a heart attack when he saw the state of Bonnie Bowling and Dave's body on the floor. He had the area locked so no one could get in and he saw on the cameras that it was indeed Dave who attacked Bonnie and Saphira defended herself against him. Darren himself felt she deserved a reward for stopping Dave, especially now he was linked to all the disappearances since he became a technician. With that, the families of those who had disappeared could get some closure, even if there is no way to know what happened to them at this time. The other technicians were absolutely horrified when they were told that Dave had done this, they were already dealing with Cliffton's disappearance and now this. It seemed they were not going to come back for a while. And Saphira was offered time off too, but she refused to have a day off. There was still the need to upgrade Foxy's arm and to go through the rehearsal for their updated song. And of course, Saphira intended on upgrading them and giving them all their scent receptors, she did not want to let them down by taking a day off. It might seem crazy to some people, but Saphira felt like she would be abandoning her new family if she did that.

Currently it was an hour before her usual shift, and she was sitting in an office with Darren. He was wearing a black, glittery suit today, symbolizing his sadness of knowing the truth about the disappearances. They both were currently waiting for Mr Miller to contact them through the laptop on Zoom. They were going to hear the verdict regarding Saphira's employment. Darren was tapping his fingers on the desk gently, they both had a coffee in hand, although Saphira did see him slipping some alcohol into his drink. She didn't particularly blame him. She would be able to drink once she turned twenty-one, that was the day Freddy intended on giving her a big birthday party. They all did. She didn't really want to be drinking on the job of course, but...she would have to wait on that.

"Ah! Finally!" Darren exclaimed as he saw a notification on the screen to connect with Mr Miller. "Alright, here we go. I am going to be apologizing if Mr Miller fires you Saphira. But that is completely out of my power." Saphira nodded silently as she looked at the laptop. Darren connected to the room and they both were surprised to be met with a dark room, they could see a shadow of a person in that room, but not him. "Evening Mr, I guess you are still content hiding your identity?"

"That has not changed even with the most recent incident." That voice...Saphira nearly shuddered at the sound of it. And not in a good way. She did not know why, the voice was deep and rough, and yet she detected a hint of anger in the voice. It was odd. "It is a real disappointment that we are going through the disappearing incidents like the other Fazbear locations. It seems to be a cloud that follows it wherever it goes."

"Yes, I agree," Darren said with a nod. "If it was not for Saphira, we probably would never discover the true culprit and more disappearances would happen." He sighed deeply, glancing down for a moment. "I really miss Cliff."

She glanced at him curiously with a raised eyebrow, hearing the way Darren spoke about Cliff almost sounded like he liked him. She was not sure, they both didn't really give off the vibe they liked each other. She said nothing about that, it was not an appropriate time and she looked back at the screen, gazing at the person in the darkness of his room.

"Yes...I agree." Mr Miller's head moves slightly in the darkness, seemingly to look at Saphira. "Miss Saphira Dawn is it?" She nodded nervously. "I have to say, I reviewed everything since you were employed by Darren here, you have been the best night guard we have had. You're assertive, attentive and you do a great job with the animatronics. You unintentionally walked into Dave's clutches as it seemed he had it in for you from the start. However, I did see the recording of what you did to him."

Saphira shifts uncomfortably in her chair. "It was not my proudest moment...I saw red when he smashed Monty's jaw...and I just lost my cool. I usually do not do that. But, I am not apologizing for it either. I have saved lives."

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