Chapter 54

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Clocked in and ready for another night. Saphira sprayed on some champagne perfume, which is the Roxanne Golden Trophy perfume from the salon. She smiled as she smelt the aroma from it, she knew Freddy would like it. However, with new information about the pizzaplex and possibly Mr Miller, Saphira felt it was best to not be obvious about it. She knew the animatronics wouldn't know that Darren was trapped here as much as they were. She didn't plan on telling them she was pretty much the same now, but she wondered if she was trapped here from the start of her employment. It was quite possible. Although, the horrific things really didn't kick off until she managed to pass the first week of her employment, so she was not sure. She doubted she would see the new office until her next shift, she didn't want to even look for it at the moment. She still liked her little office.

Checking the cameras casually since it was a semi-busy night of the week, Saphira hummed to herself as she observed the guests in the pizzaplex. So far, nothing caught her eye. That was good. She really was not in the mood to deal with unruly guests tonight. She just wanted to sit back and relax. She checked the monitors to locate the animatronics. She found Roxy at the salon, she seemed to be giving a seminar of some sort as she was on a stage giving a speech, Bonnie was at the bowling alley, he was attending a birthday gathering there and he seemed to be having a lot of fun. Monty was at the golf course putting on a performance, in fact most of the guests were there because of that. Mr Hippo and Freddy were in their rooms, it seemed they were finished with their tasks for the day. She watched Freddy walking into the backroom of his room and she guessed he had gone in to recharge. Chica and Foxy were in the party rooms. Saphira smiled, good, everything was as it should be for now.

Saphira hummed to herself as a thought came to her mind. She left her office and made her way to the stage to take the stage lift down to Parts and Service. She walked through the hallway, she did take a glance towards the warehouse wearily, but only for a second as she continued to Parts and Service. She glanced towards the cages that held the other endos like Mr Hippo's endo and approached them curiously. She glanced at the names on them. The other animatronics were here. Foxette, Orville, Happy Frog and Pigpatch. She hummed, looking at Foxette's endo and brought a wheeled table over. She opened the cage and placed the endo on it. She looked over the endo. There was quite a bit of damage to the endo itself, probably from when the technicians and Foxy were forced to stop her. She brought the endo to the cylinder and started it up. She searched for Foxette's file, which took a lot of digging, though she did know there was a way to create brand new casings for the animatronics instead of using the old ones. She felt Foxette should have a new look after what happened to her. But first, Saphira figured to fix the endo first and when she was moved closer to the animatronic mainframe, if Foxette's was still there, maybe she could see if her memories and personality were truly gone. She would do the same for the other three. There was no way she was letting the virus win by removing important cast members permenantly from the pizzaplex. Plus, as far as she knew, she would only be reuniting family members.

As she began the repair log and carefully moved Foxette's endo onto the chair, she rolled the table outside and the door closed as she walked up to the endo. "I may not have met you yet Foxette, but intend on making things right for everyone around here. This place should not end up like the previous establishments. It is too precious to me to just let it wither away."

She knew Foxette could not hear her, but Saphira began the repairs to the endo. She just hoped that Foxette was not damaged enough to be gone completely as Freddy implied with Mr Hippo. However, if her personality and memories were saved somewhere, she might be able to reboot the endo and connect it to the system. She hoped that was the case, because that would save her from being heartbroken or near heartbroken again. She hated to think if something were to happen to Freddy. That was something she never wanted to think about. Right now, she wanted to get started. There was a few hours before twelve, that gave her time alone to work on what she could with Foxette. Saphira would take extra care and time on the endo, mostly because her wrists ached like crazy. It also gave her time to think about things as well, after all she was going to need a lot of time to think at the moment. She knew she should probably go to therapy, however, therapy often requires honest to the therapist. As much as Saphira would want to, she would probably sound crazy if she spoke to a therapist and told the reasons why she needed therapy. It was different when it came to when she used to live in the same house as the people who were supposed to be her family, a therapist could listen and understand that.

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