Chapter 16

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The technicians have gone home as it was thirty minutes past three right now. Saphira was currently eating a bowl of nachoes as she was rather hungry and had a cup full of soda. She was on her computer typing up a harrassment report regarding Dave's behaviour as she didn't want to delay on it. Cliff already knew that Saphira would do that, so she hoped it would give them a reason to fire him. After all, a sleeze like him should not be working here anyway. While she was typing up the report and eating her nachoes, she noticed Freddy was in the atrium. She was surprised because he had been in his room before. But he was standing in front of the stage, he seemed to be thinking about something and it looked like he was nervous. He must be coming to apologize for hugging her so suddenly. Saphira wasn't even sure she wanted to see him.

She lifts her wrist to talk to him through the Fazwatch. "Freddy, go back to your room please. I know you are coming to apologize, please do not. I am writing up a report right now, and I don't need to be distracted."

"Oh...sorry, I did not realize Saphira." He sounded so shocked that she told him that and she saw him glancing at the camera briefly. "I am definitely sorry. I think I made it worse between us didn't I?"

"Well no, you did not. But you've made me more weary of you, I'll give you that." She took a bite of her corn chip and licked her lips while she glanced at the camera and saw Freddy turning and walking away slowly. "Don't be sad Freddy. Don't feel like you did something so horrible tonight. It was not, it just was a surprise."

"I know...but I still feel bad for pushing you. I guess because Chica was hugging you like that...I thought maybe I could." That was understandable, she could see how he would feel like that. "But I guess I am not Chica. I know, I will be careful from now on."

That made Saphira feel bad, she did not want to hurt him like that and she sighed deeply. "Freddy, with time, we will be able to hug. Chica started to do that spontaneously and I can't really say no because she's so strong. It still scares me, but she isn't as big as you. I still like you Freddy."

"I have come to realize my size is a lot more intimidating than I realize. I have never considered that before. It does explain why some people are afraid of me. I suppose we are back to square one right?"

"No, I don't think so. I mean, you were standing close to me in Parts and Service, and I didn't have a problem with that. It is literally when you move so suddenly and fluidly that I get brain keeps telling me to be on guard around you. It's kind of frustrating." She glanced back at the computer screen and she typed more on the keyboard to finish the report. "At the very least, I got to help with the general maintenance."

"And you did a fantastic job super star. I could not ask for anything more." He was too sweet, Saphira felt very guilty about how she has been acting around him. "Maybe when you are done with your report, I can come and talk to you in person?"

", not yet. I was thinking about what to do for Foxy. He's so upset right now. He's literally playing the blues right now on his piano." Saphira glanced at the monitors to look at Foxy's room. He looked so said with how he was standing and playing the piano. "I don't suppose you know?"

"We have tried in the past, it tends to not work. I am not sure what would cheer him up, other than his hook back on his wrist." Freddy wanted to cheer his friend up too, if he knew of a way, he could help Saphira cheer him up together. "He's a very depressed fox when he's got no hook."

She chuckled a little because it sounded a little funny by his description of Foxy. "Well...hopefully he will cheer up soon. I enjoy the energy that he has around him." She finished typing her report. "And I am done with the report. Hopefully Dave gets in trouble for it."

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