Chapter 65

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Freddy looked at Saphira's sleeping form as she was laid in the bed in the office. Her injury to her stomach had been wrapped with bandages, the cut on her neck was clean and a cold pack was still resting on her forehead. She looked very pale, there was a light layer of sweat on her body and they had worked out she was starting to run a fever. It worried them because whatever happened in the lobby when they were cut off from her has caused this. He did not know what to do for her. They were waiting for Darren to arrive as he had responded and he was on his way. They were given instruction on what to do. An empty bucket in case she wakes up and needs to vomit again, multiple cold packs in the freezer to replace on her forehead when the one on her forehead gets too warm, keep blankets over her to keep her warm even if she is sweating and just to be there for her. Those were easy instructions to follow.

Freddy looked at Mr Hippo and Pigpatch, both animatronics were standing there with a lot of worry on their faces. "Are you both able to tell me what might have happened?" They look at him in surprise at the question. "You seem to have a lot of knowledge about the virus. Now it has hurt her! It cut us off, and it hurt her!"

"It is true we knew a lot about the virus," Mr Hippo responded calmly, understanding the concern Freddy had for the girl. "However, I don't know what more he has planned. I am sorry. Pigpatch, do you know more?"

The pig animatronic was silent for a moment before sighing. "I am not sure. The virus used to be a man, as far as I know." The animatronics look at him in shock when he spoke about it. "However, the virus has been trying to create a new body. You already thwarted the first attempt. That does not mean he won't try a different method. The issue is..." Pigpatch glanced down at Saphira with a worried expression. "The injury on her stomach makes me think something was injected into her to ensure that will happen. I doubt she is pregnant now...but...I don't know."

Freddy didn't like the answers, but he believed them both. He did not want to leave her side at all. He only would be forced to if he had to recharge. Thankfully, he recharged before he raced out of his room to try and rescue her. He did not know what to do. He felt like they had done what they could.

"And for once, it happened when she was with you," Monty said in a sad, gentle tone. "Unlike before when she went off to do something away from shows it does not matter if we are with her or not. Where there is a will, there is a way...that is what it seems."

"You are not helping Monty," Bonnie said, shaking his head at him with a frown.

The gator looked at his boyfriend sadly. "I know...I was just stating the fact...I guess..." He looked back at Saphira sadly. "We are doing what we can. I doubt she can even go home like this, she might be forced to stay."

Freddy didn't know if he wanted that. He would have been thrilled if she stayed in the pizzaplex, but not like this. He didn't even want to go through the day knowing she is sick and injured. "I remember seeing on the TV humans have soup when sick. Chica Chowder has soups."

"I doubt she is going to want food right now, Freddy," Chica said with a hand on her hip. "At least, not yet. I know she should eat, but we can't force her if she is sick. I've hardly dealt with a sick human, so this is a new experience."

The elevator dings and they all turn to look as the doors open. Darren, who was wearing a plain, grey suit, stepped out and stopped in shock when he saw Foxette, Orville, Pigpatch and Happy Frog. "Oh..." He smiled briefly when he saw them. "She is so talented...I am so sorry this happened." He ran over to Saphira and looked over her body. "Oh dear...what happened?"

"Saphira got chased by some kind of Music Man with no casing," Freddy responded calmly as he watched Darren step away and walk over to grab a first aid kit from the wall. " injected something into her abdoman. We think..."

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