Chapter 66

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As Saphira woke up again, she did not realize another four hours had passed and it was after twelve in the afternoon. She opened her eyes for a moment before she realized she couldn't feel Freddy on her cheek. She tensed and panicked for a second, only to feel his body beside and she looked up at him with fear filled eyes. Freddy was surprised by her sudden reaction and she snuggled against him as he tightened his arm around her.

"I am right here, super star, I told you I won't go anywhere," Freddy said to her gently as she calmed down against him. "You have had many hours to sleep. I hope you are feeling better. At least you are not throwing up."

Saphira was glad for that, though her head was still throbbing. She took a deep breath and she looked at him with a smile. "I am feeling better, thank you. I do need to use the bathroom though, so..." She moved to sit up, Freddy helped her and sat up with her. "I may need a hand. Not sure if my legs..." Saphira paused as she saw Darren sitting at the small dining table looking at her with a pile of paperwork. "Oh, hi Darren."

"Hello Saphira. I am pleased you're recovering well." He smiled at her and looked back down at his paperwork. "Ignore me, I am just doing some paperwork I need to do. I just came to make sure you are okay and if you would like some soup."

"Tomato soup definitely sounds nice," Saphira said with a nod as she moved her feet from under the covers to the floor. She looked down at the pyjamas with a smile. "It feels very weird not being in my uniform here. But...also natural at the same time."

"I bet it does. How do you think you will feel for tonight?" Darren asked curiously, she looked at him in surprise. "You are free to take it very easy tonight, Saphira. I will completely understand."

She had not really considered about her next shift, but right now, she really didn't care. Freddy helped her to stand and she grimaced, placing a hand on her head as she felt a painful throb when she was standing. She noticed she didn't have to cold back on her forehead anymore, which meant the lump must have gone down enough that she didn't need it. She took a step foreward when she suddenly felt as though the room was spinning.

"Woah!" She clenched her eyes shut and held her head, hunching over slightly and felt Freddy's hands on her back. "Everything feels like it is spinning..."

"Oh...vertigo..." Darren sighed and looked at Freddy. "Carry her if you need to. She hit her head pretty hard, plus whatever was injected into her could be affecting her mind."

Freddy did not know what vertigo was, but he saw how if was affecting her and he carefully picked her up to carry her to the bathroom. Mr Hippo and Foxette were seated on the couch watching quietly, they said nothing as they did not want to overwhelm her even though she seemed better. Although it was hard to tell given what had happened on her previous shift.

Saphira opened her eyes as Freddy entered the bathroom and lowered her to the ground by the toilet. "That feels a bit better..." She sighed as she rubbed her head for a moment before slipping off her pants to sit on the toilet. She held her head in her hands before she began to sob softly. "I'm scared Freddy...I don't know what was injected into scares me..."

"I know, I know..." He dropped to one knee and took her hands into his, smiling as her gently as she looked up at him. "I am scared for you Saphira. If he still intends on creating a body of living metal and flesh, he is doing what he can to do it."

"I know...I worry so much..." Saphira glanced away from him and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Even if I am not pregnant...if I...somehow could get pregnant..." She moved a shaky hand to her stomach as she thought about that fear. "Would it be an empty vessel...or would it have a soul...I would just deliver it to a monster either way..."

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