Chapter 114

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Getting the Protective Cylinder to repair the animatronic's casings automatically was quite the achievement. But as Darren has not yet returned, Saphira was rather concerned. She had expected him to be back, but it seemed that Springtrap was holding him down below. Saphira hoped that he was still alive at the very least. He didn't deserve a terrible fate, and they all knew it. He has been through a lot like Saphira has, and probably worse in the terms of what Springtrap has done to his body so far. They hoped he would return soon.

And Saphira had to check the apartment the next day without Darren being present while the animatronics went about their day in the pizzaplex. The fumes in the apartment were gone, and everything was finished. She was extremely happy and she spent the day moving her stuff in, and she began moving things into what would become the nursery. Saphira also had begun ordering a few other things for the nursery itself, and she did hope it would be delivered before she would give birth.

The other thing she did was stock the fridge and cupboard with good. She was happy that she would now have the room to cook properly, and not rely on the staff bots to bring her food. It was so good, and Saphira ended up cooking a steak for the first time in a long time. And she was super happy about it. Chica was extra excited because she got to watch Saphira cook closely. Even Freddy was fascinated by the cooking process.

Saphira did also do research on Gregory, and she discovered that the boy had indeed been here before. And he had come to the pizzaplex twice when he was younger with his parents. Saphira saw his parents were young, and their names were Elizabeth and Jonathan Yardley. She did wonder what happened after they did not come back, so she tried to look deeper into the past.

With the name, she figured out where Gregory went to school, and she learned he went into the foster system when he was seven. Saphira didn't find out why though. She looked up his parents, and she found no sign of a social media at all. But she did manage to find their names listed in the death records, which she checked out. It seemed his parents died from murder when Gregory was seven. So Saphira searched for any news about murder in that year and area.

And she found one. There was an article talking about a home invasion by an unknown suspect. She read through the article and learned that nothing in the house was stolen. Gregory's parents were stabbed multiple times by a large knife, and apparently, the boy did see the person. But he couldn't see their face because they wore a rabbit costume. Saphira felt anger as she realized that this could have been Vanessa. And sure enough, there was an image on a neighbor's CCTV with a screenshot of someone in a white, rabbit suit waving to the camera. And Saphira could tell the person inside the costume was female.

Vanessa killed Gregory's parents in order to have him put into the foster system and end up in that orphanage so that he could be brought here. This is some kind of cruel, calculated plan that has happened...poor kid.

Saphira didn't even know if Vanessa was brainwashed anymore. She knew Dave was, but she wasn't sure about Vanessa anymore. If she was willingly doing these things without being under the influence of Springtrap, then she is not someone who would change her ways. Saphira knew this, and she did not know if she wanted to deal with Vanessa for too much longer. She could be too dangerous, and Saphira knew it. Vanessa has shown she is scared of the animatronics though. And Saphira fully understood why, since she was terrified of the animatronics when she first arrived. They are much larger than a human, and it wouldn't take much for them to snap a human's neck. But then again, Monty is the scariest out of the animatronics due to his temper, and he isn't afraid to show intimidation when needed.

It was Wednesday now, it was the day of the midweek show. And the pizzaplex was PACKED! More packed then it would normally be on a Friday and Saturday. It was like it was Halloween or something, because every guest who was here were excited for the show. And it was not even a school vacation, so it was really a great turnout. Saphira was happy to see how full the pizzaplex was. But without Darren being present, she had to handle some of his work during the day as there was no one else who could do his work. It wasn't difficult thankfully, and Saphira was feeling better today too. She still could not talk very well, but it was better.

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