Chapter 51

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*Trigger Warning for this Chapter. It's a Dark One*

Saphira had no idea how long she had been out for. As far as she knew, she just had a nightmare. However, as her eyes slowly open to a dark surrounding that was not her bedroom, Saphira took a moment to gaze around to see where she was. She didn't recognize where she was at all. It was extremely cold and dark, and that was all she knew. She groaned and tried stretching her arms only to hear the sound of chains, she glanced up and gasped loudly. Her wrists were held up by chains and she looked down, whimpering as she saw her feet were off the ground and she glanced around in a panic. Where was she? The last thing she remember was something clamping a cloth over her mouth, and she blacked out.

How would they get chloroform? If it even was chloroform...

A sense of dread filled her very core, she had no idea where she was, what time it was and she felt she had no strength at the moment. Even if she wanted to, she probably could not get away. She continued to look around in a panic, however, she winced as a light was turned on suddenly. She blinked so her eyes would adjust and she looked to see a small table in front of her. There was a tray with mince and potato on it, it was still steaming.

"You have finally awoken..." A cold, dark voice echoed through the walls. Saphira looked around frantically for that voice. "It has taken such a long time, but you are finally here with me." She gasped as the chains lower her to the ground suddenly and release her wrists. "Please, eat. You haven't eaten in many hours."

Saphira rubbed her wrists, glancing around. It was a small room she was in she realized. It was dark, and she could not see any kind of door, at least, that is what she felt. "Who are you?" She managed to croak out nervously. She glanced at the food, but she didn't know what was in it. "What do you want from me?"

"Sit, you already know who I am. We have spoken many times. Sit, eat. Don't make me force feed you." Saphira was startled by the threat, she carefully takes a seat at the table, but she hesitated to eat. "I am one of many names, you simply have to pick one."

That made no sense. She still did not know why she was here. "What do you want from me?"

There was a growl and she jumped as purple eyes open at the end of the room. Stepping forward into the light, she realized it was the same Freddy endo that had attacked her earlier. "I am losing my patience! You will eat, or I will have Freddy here force feed you!"

"That is not Freddy," Saphira muttered, picking up the fork, trembling and poking at the potato. She took a mouthful and carefully moved her tongue around to taste anything funny about it. Except, there was none. She swallowed and looked up at the endo, its gaze watched her carefully as she picks up another mouthful of potato. "I don't understand..."

"From the very start, I knew you were something!" The voice spoke loudly into the room. "Your knowledge of robotics intrigued me. I authorized Darren to hire you for that." Wait, what?! "I had to have you in my grasp. Unlike that idiot Dave, he was good...but not like you. You repaired an entire animatronic on your own. That is what I need from you!"

"Oh, my skills...that's what you want..." Saphira took another mouthful, while she felt hungry, she felt sick too. Each mouthful felt like a huge effort just to swallow. "I was told otherwise..."

"Ooh, no, that is not just what I want!" She shuddered at his response and she saw the endo's eyes narrowing slightly at her. "You see...I died many years ago. I died because of stupid brats! I thought using a springlock suit was smart, but it became my salvation!"

How is that even possible? Did this person die and their soul got trapped in the suit?

Saphira rubbed her lips a little, resisting the urge to gag on the potato before scooping up some meat. She jumped as a cup was slammed down in front of her, she saw it was water, but she had not expected it. "You make no sense..."

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