Chapter 126

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They followed Cliff as fast as they could. Now with him being injured, Gregory took extra care of each step so that he would not fall over and hurt himself. He did not wish to cause additional damage to his already broken arm. But with the main threat right behind them, it was hard to not feel terrified. Saphira glanced over her shoulder to see Springtrap was not running. He was just walking behind them in a rather casual manner. He did not seem like he was in a rush to do anything. That was rather scary. She did see a knife in his hand though. He was definitely intending to hurt them, or worse.

"It seems that I underestimated one of the souls that I had taken and put into these bots of mine," Springtrap said loudly in an impressed tone. "I have to say, I am impressed, Cliffton. You managed to escape my control, and now you are helping your friend as a feeble attempt at redemption. But you are nothing more than a robot. You have no body, and there is no heaven for you."

Gregory was shocked by what he was hearing from Springtrap. He glanced at the nightmare bot in front of them as he realized by Springtrap's words, this bot had the soul of a person inside him. And Saphira once knew the man. And now he was trapped here, forced to be alive within a mechanical body. That sounded kind of awful to him. Sure, the man was able to live, but this was not a life. Especially if he had let himself be controlled by Springtrap, he would be forced to do things he did not want. And that meant the bots attacking them all had souls in them. But he guessed that they were set free from the destruction of their robotic bodies.

Cliff made a left and the two followed him through a door which he closed with a slam and picked up a metal pipe. Saphira and Gregory watch Cliff bend the pipe to make it harder for Springtrap to follow them through the door. Saphira was relieved as it would buy them time. She glanced around and saw this seemed to be a kitchen or something, but there was a door on the other side and she walked over to it to peer out. She jumped as she saw an endo standing by the door. But this endo was not functioning. It was off. She was relieved and looked at Gregory and rubbed his head gently as Cliff rolled by them.

" you showing us the way out?" Saphira asked the bot curiously and he turned his head slightly to look at her. "Or are showing where the mainframe is for the nightmare bots? I destroyed some further down below, but I don't know if that means there are heaps more around this underground..." She gasped as she heard Springtrap punching the closed door behind them, but she kept calm enough to keep talking. "Or will you show us both?" He nodded and she smiled. "Good...I just hope it is not too hard to follow to get out."

The bot just shrugged a little and he kept rolling ahead. Having a guide made things so much easier. And Saphira still had the axe. She picked it up from the cut hard line before, mostly because she was the only one who could use it. But she knew that she might not be able to with the contractions moving quickly. She knew that the closer and stronger they were, the closer she would be needing to push. If she could get out before that happened, it would be good. Her water has not yet broken, so that still gave time. But not a lot of time.

Cliffton paused suddenly, raising his hand to make the two stop and Gregory frowned in confusion. Saphira was curious too, but Cliff seemed to be focused on something for a moment before waved his hand for them to keep walking. It was another long tunnel, but it seemed they were getting closer to the endo warehouse. There was less garbage, but there were more bodies around. Saphira really struggled with her nausea at the moment. Plus, she whimpered and groaned as she felt another contraction, making her stop and hunch over.

Cliff looked at her and rolled over to her, placing his hand on her arm gently and patting it as it to tell her that it would be okay. Saphira looked at the bot and smiled at him. "If only there was a way to somehow integrate you back with the living." He shook his head immediately and she softened her expression to give him a sad look. "You just want to move on, don't you?" He nodded and she felt tears roll down her cheeks. "If only you were alive...I know Darren really had affection towards you. Did you know that?" He nodded before gesturing for her to keep walking. "One moment, the pain is still there."

Sparkle Like a SuperstarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora