Chapter 92

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Saphira clung to the front of the carriage tightly as she felt the speed of the carriage as it tilted downward. She tried not to scream, because there was likely still guests in the pizzaplex and they would hear her. She did not want to scream, but kept her eyes tightly shut as she terrified. She had no doubt this was Glitchtrap’s way of revenge for freeing Sun and Moon from his control, and not being able to take back control of him. All she could think about was silently pleading for this to end as soon as possible.

She opened her eyes only when she heard something loudly clanging and glanced around and spotted a section of the track at a slightly drop falling down. She gasped loudly as she realized that she could be seriously hurt or worse if the carriage fell off. And she knew this carriage would be heavy against her, and she could only think that someone had to stop the carriage. There was no other way.

She noticed movement at the corner of her eye and saw Darren rushing in. “Darren!” She shouted at him. “Part of the track fell! Put the emergency brake on! Please hurry!”

Darren’s eyes were wide as he saw Saphira holding onto the front of the coaster carriage tightly with the impending danger looming. He raced over to the controls and pressed on the emergency brake. He looked up when he heard Saphira shriek as the wheels of the carriage squeal loudly as the brakes were put on, however, something made the brakes release and the carriage kept rolling. It was at this point, Freddy ran into the room with Monty, Mr Hippo and Pigpatch behind him.

“The emergency brake snapped!” Darren shouted as he pressed the button several mores times desperately. “There’s no other protocols…” He glanced around in a panic and looked up at the animatronics. “You four might be able to stop it.”

Mr Hippo nodded. “Come!” He ran towards the coaster and pulled himself over the barrier to head towards the broken part of the coaster. The other three followed him. “Hold on, Saphira! We are coming! We will catch you!”

Saphira barely heard what Mr Hippo said. She was panicking as she had heard the brakes breaking and she found herself having a hard time breathing. “I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die! Please, make it stop!” She pleaded loudly in a desperate tone. “Freddy! Help me!”

Hearing the words coming from Saphira’s mouth hurt. Freddy has never heard her say that she was going to die, and he certainly was not going to let it happen. He knew that he, Mr Hippo, Monty and Pigpatch would need more than just general maintenance afterwards, but at least Saphira would be safe. Still, as they ran towards the broken part of the track, they spot several of the pumpkin face staff bots sitting in front of them.

Mr Hippo narrowed his eyes. “I knew it!” He rushed towards the bots and the staff bots quickly zoomed away, realizing that Mr Hippo was going to attack them. He stopped just before the tracks and watched as the carriage rolled closer quickly. “This is going to hurt…but it’s better us than her.”

Monty nodded as he stepped closer. “I am so glad I was just on my way back to my room when you sounded the alarm, Freddy.” He moved his head either side and lifts his hands. “How are we gonna do this?”

“I think the best thing we can do is try to grab it and slow it down before it gets here,” Pigpatch suggests thoughtfully. “But…the track is high…” He knew they had little time as the carriage was getting closer. “Alright, Mr Hippo, Monty, we catch the carriage, Freddy you catch Saphira.”

Freddy was a bit uncertain on how this was going to work. He was worried and frightened for Saphira because it was getting closer quickly, and she was still repeating that she’s going to die. There wasn’t really any other choice as the three animatronics braced them and Freddy prepared himself. He worried about the babies, he did not know if this would affect her pregnancy negatively. But there was no way of knowing at this point.

Darren was standing on the other side of the barrier nervously as he watched the carriage speed closer. The animatronics were just tall enough that they could catch the wheels before it would fall off the rail, but it had to get closer first. And Darren was really holding his breath as this horrifying to him. He turned when the staff bots rolled closer to him and he stepped back nervously. He did not know if they would do something.

“I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die…” Saphira continued to repeat as she sobbed loudly. “Please, please! Stop this! Glitchtrap! This is way too far!” She heard shrills of laughter, making her grimace and almost loosen her grip. “Help me!”

She screamed when she felt the carriage lurch suddenly, not realizing the animatronics had caught the wheels, and the lurch forward made her lose her grip and fall. She shrieked as she lands into familiar arms and she looked up with wide eyes before throwing her arms around Freddy’s shoulders as she cried loudly. Freddy held her against him as he moved away from the track and the animatronics carefully placed the carriage onto the ground and followed Freddy.

“Easy, Saphira,” Freddy purred gently as he rubbed the back of her head gently. The trembling he could feel was greater than it had been before. Even when she had been taken by Springtrap or fell into the basement and was forcefully impregnated. He knew this was different because it felt like her life flashed before her eyes. He knew the feeling whenever he had to be turned offline for maintenance issues. “I am here, super star. Let it all out.”

She buried her head into the crook of his neck and sobbed. She was still panicking was gasping for air. She did not know if anyone had noticed, but Darren had. The next thing she knew was feeling an oxygen mask being placed over her head. She opened her eyes and smiled slightly at Darren in thanks. She was too upset to even ask for help. Freddy was extremely worried as he climbed over the barrier and walked away from the coaster to sit down with her. He did not want to let her go.

“Do you think she will be okay?” Monty asked nervously, watching the girl sobbing into Freddy’s neck. He looked at Darren who shrugged. “You don’t know?”

“I am afraid not…Saphira probably will not lose the twins at least, but this will certainly increase the amount of stress for her,” Darren said slowly as he rubbed the back of his neck. “And sadly…looks like the coaster was tampered with.” He turned to frown at the staff bots who were staring at them intently. “Glitchtrap.”

“So it would seem.” Mr Hippo glared at the bots and looked down at his hands. The casing on his hands and wrists had been cracked from the impact of the carriage. He was feeling a little pain in the joints as well. “I am sorry you have to deal with this, Darren.” The man looked at the hands of the animatronics, and he saw Monty’s hands and arms were the same, and Pigpatch’s right hand casing had been completely destroyed. “Not exactly the night we wanted to have.”

“At least I can handle it.” The man smiled slightly as he knew Saphira had shown him how to fix wiring, joints and casing. He stepped closer to Freddy as the animatronic rubbed the girl’s back gently and gazed at her sadly. “I am…sorry…”

Before Darren could continue, the door into the attraction opened and Vanessa walked in. The blonde woman widened her eyes when she saw the pumpkin face bots and looked at the animatronics. “What happened?” She was utterly confused as she walked in and looked at the coaster. She huffed loudly. “Don’t tell me it’s falling apart already?”

The man nodded. “Yeah. Saphira went to investigate one of the carriages and something activated the coaster on its own. She almost crashed into the ground, but the animatronics were called up here to help.” The woman looked at Saphira with a concerned expression, likely worried about the repurcussions for this. “Saphira is okay, but I will be keeping a close eye on her.”

“Good idea.” The woman looked at the coaster again with a worried expression. “This is not what was meant to happen…I just came here to see why you four animatronics were out of your room, but you had a good reason.” Vanessa nervously took a deep breath. “I think that means you deserve to roam the place when you want to. Normally, I would prefer you to stay in your rooms, but when it is necessary, you are useful.”

“The animatronics roamed without an issue before you were hired, Vanessa,” Darren said in a matter-of-fact tone. “There has been no incident. But thanks for relaxing and allowing them to roam.”

“Still…I’d like it if Freddy spent more time with me.” Saphira turned her head and shot Vanessa a glare of daggers as tears roll down her cheeks. Vanessa stepped back from them. “D-D-Don’t worry, Saphira. I…I know where I stand.” The woman turned away quickly and nervously. “I have to get back to work. There are a few guests left who I need to chase out anyway.” She glanced at the bots with a frown before walking briskly to the door. “Try and get well soon, Saphira.”

Seeing the way the woman rushed out seemed to indicate something has gone wrong. Saphira did not care. She took deep breaths as she was finally over the panic attack, but she was still shaking. She sniffed and looked up at Freddy. “M-M-My…d-d-dad…” Freddy blinked in surprise when she mentioned her birth father as he hadn’t expected this. “He…t-t-tied m-m-m-me t-t-to the f-f-front of h-h-his truck…one night…” Darren widened his eyes in shock and disgust when he heard what Saphira said. “He…d-drove a-a-and d-d-d-drove…speeding and n-n-not c-c-caring that r-r-rocks, sticks…a-a-anything would hit me. H-He…I a-a-am s-s-s-sure he t-t-tried to kill me…I w-w-was…th-thirteen.”

“You are joking, right?” Darren asked as he stared at her in disbelief, and she shook her head. “Oh, you poor thing. No wonder this was…” He paused as he looked at the coaster and shivered. “I am so sorry. Your biological parents have to be the worst parents I have ever heard of. I can’t believe that happened to you.”

“I agree with Darren. Normally I keep my opinions about the parents of children to myself, I don’t see them all the time and I do not know how the children are treated back home. But many come here happy and hugging their parents, and their parents are always smiling. But you opened my eyes to the world beyond these walls.” Saphira looked up at Freddy, feeling sad that many of the things he once thought were true had been changed thanks to her. He’s learned that the world outside the pizzaplex is crueller than he is led to believe. “If I were to ever see your parents, I am not sure I could keep my mouth shut. And…it goes against my programming, but they would be the first and only humans I would want to hurt because they hurt you.”

Saphira smirked a little at Freddy’s statement. “I bring out the worst in you, don’t I?”

He chuckled softly and shrugged. “Maybe. I do not know. But I know you have also brought out the best in me. I have learned what love is and what it feels like. I have learned so much from you, Saphira, that I do not think I can go back the way it used to be. It would be mundane, if I am honest. And now…” Freddy moved his hand from Saphira’s shoulder to her stomach and rubbed gently. “Now I have something else to look forward to. I still do not fully understand what is going on inside your body…and I have yet to understand how the birth is going to be, but my life has changed for the better.”

“Even though you have learned you were designed and built by someone who is dangerous?” Saphira asked curiously.

“That might be the case, Saphira, but our system is advance enough to be able to make our own decisions,” Mr Hippo responded gently with a smile. “I do not believe that we were ever designed to be evil. Unfortunately, we were designed to be taken over by someone who is evil, and it has happened. But in our hearts, we are good. Once the evil is gone, we can enjoy the pizzaplex completely.” He turned his head to see if the staff bots were still there, but they were gone. They didn’t even notice that they left.

“I guess it is good you made that way. I am lucky with that.” Saphira took a deep breath and relaxed a bit further. She was still trembling, but she was already feeling better, especially as she was safe in Freddy’s arms at this time. “I also think…Glitchtrap and Vanessa made a mistake. The way she reacted was out of fear.”

“I noticed that too.” Monty shrugged and chuckled at the thought. “I don’t think scaring you like this was what Springtrap would want. But…” He paused with a sudden worried thought. “What if…Springtrap decides to force Saphira back down there? So that way she won’t be under any stress or situation where she could be harmed.”

“Please do not make me think of that. We have already lived through the horror of Saphira being taken from us, twice, and I am not sure how I can cope with another time.” Freddy did know that Springtrap may very well do that to protect the offspring growing within Saphira. And she was not yet showing signs something was wrong, but he would watch her closely. “But you could be right.”

“Springtrap has walked into the office before…when Chica came with me and we discovered that I am carrying twins,” Saphira said with a light shudder. She shakes her head and looks at Freddy. “Listen, Freddy…I-I don’t want to be alone tonight. When you go to Parts and Service, I’ll come with you. I don’t want to be alone.” She leaned against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, his unique scent filled her nostrils. “I already had enough excitement for one night.”

“I have absolutely zero intention of leaving you alone, Saphira,” Freddy responded in a reassuring tone. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “You definitely need some much needed company from me.” He turned his head to look at Darren. “It would seem she will be joining us in Parts and Service.” Darren nodded and he did not seem to mind that fact at all. “Come, Saphira. The pizzaplex has closed now, and the guests are gone. We should head back to the office. I’ll give you that much needed massage and foot rub.”

Saphira glanced at the Fazwatch and saw that he was right. But she didn’t feel like walking back to the office. She looked at him and took off the oxygen mask, though she wondered where Darren found it, but she spotted a first aid station in the corner. She was pleased because she didn’t know how she would cope. “I hate to ask…but could you carry me? I don’t know if I can walk, I am still too shaky. And I’d like a milkshake.”

Freddy smirked at Saphira’s request for a milkshake. “I can definitely take you to the office myself. We could even go to my room.” She immediately smiled at the idea and Freddy saw it was a winner. “My room it is than, I can’t say I blame you. My room is very bright and inviting to stay in.”

“It sure is.” Saphira winked at him as Freddy kept a hold her her comfortably. “And we can pick that milkshake up along the way…I’m thinking boysenberry…that’s on my mind.” Freddy chuckled softly and Saphira placed a hand on his cheek. “We can go now, Freddy. I am fine. I will definitely alert everyone if something is wrong. Aside right now, I need to use the bathroom for the hundrenth time.”

Freddy walked towards the door as soon as he heard she needed to use the bathroom. “I had best get moving.” He glanced at Darren as the other animatronics as they follow. “We will meet you in Parts and Service when it is my turn to be cleaned.”

“Well…might have to wait until tomorrow, unless Saphira can do it without the cylinder,” Darren said with a shrug. “With Pigpatch’s jaw, along with their hands, I am not sure if I will have to time to fit Freddy in. I know it’s a bit of an ask, but if you can, can you do it, Saphira?”

“I could try, but I won’t promise,” Saphira responded as Freddy walked out of the door. She gasped in surprise when she saw Roxy, Happy Frog, Foxette and Foxy approaching with concerned faces. “Hey, guys…uh…sorry, we are going to have to cancel testing the coaster tonight. Seems like it was tampered with.”

“Ugh! That’s just perfect!” Roxy sneered, narrowing her eyes slightly. “I was really looking forward to it.” She paused when she noticed Saphira seemed to be nervous and was immediately worried. “Hold up…do not tell me you were hurt because of this tampering?”

“Almost,” Mr Hippo said bluntly as he glanced at Saphira. “I am afraid Saphira had gone to check on the coaster when she heard something strange, and the coaster was activated while she was still on the track. Meaning, she was forced to cling to the front of the carriage until we could catch her…especially when a piece of the coaster fell off.” He turned his head as he noticed the pumpkin bots still hanging around. “I have a feeling those things had something to do with it.”

Roxy looked at the bots and narrowed her eyes. “I had seen them before,” Happy Frog said slowly in a concerned tone. “But…I don’t they’re the normal staff bots. I think they’re basement bots…but it would be strange if Springtrap himself do this, and he is intent on keeping those twins safe and healthy for as long as possible.”

“He is.” Everyone flinched in surprise and look up as Sun swung down from his line. “I could not help but overhear, and how awful it was, Saphira. I am so sorry you went through something terrible. But those bots…” Sun points to the staff bots. “They have been around a long time. They used to blend in with the staff bots. They’re separate from the regular staff bots. But they are not the nightmare bots you know from the basement. They’re the virus bots, designed to pass the Glitchtrap virus from system to system. And that is exactly what they did tonight.”

“Why would they ‘ave their designs changed?” Foxy asked with a frown, eyeing off the staff bots as they turn suddenly and roll away. “Makin’ it easier to spot them seems like someone wants to walk the plank sooner than later.”

“It’s a paranoia tactic,” Saphira grumbled before frowning at Freddy. “Can we please walk and talk? I really, really need to pee and I don’t know how much longer I can hold. I am not even concerned by those staff bots right now because of it.”

Freddy walked away from the others and they were quick to follow. “It is still a concern. It is as if Glitchtrap wants you to see him around...though he went with an odd colour scheme.” He did wonder of those staff bots had a separate system to the main bots. “If those bots are designed to spread the virus, would that mean they have their own mainframe?”

Sun nodded and jumped up to swing on the rope as Freddy walked down the stairs quickly. “They sure do. But I am not aware of the location of the mainframe, I’m afraid. I only know that it exists.”

Saphira was already wondering where the mainframe could be. It couldn't he in the Fazcade, that would be too obvious. She figured she could look over the map of the pizzaplex to figure it out. She was sure it would be somewhere away from the usual staff areas, just like the nightmare bots have their own mainframe in the basement.

“Wherever it will he, I highly doubt we can get to it without Glitchtrap figuring it out,” Darren said as he glanced at his Fazwatch. “Happy Frog, since you are with us, can you come with me to the Parts and Service. I can give your hands a clean and a general maintenance look over before I start on one of the others.”

“I will gladly come with you.” Happy Frog gently sways her hips and nudges Roxy. “Maybe can hang out together, Roxy. We haven't had a chance to spend much time together.” She fluttered her eyelids at Roxy who ran her hand through her hair shyly. “I think that is a yes.”

Saphira smiled as she found it interesting when the animatronics flirt with each other. Monty and Bonnie were never shy with their interactions when guests were gone. Same with Foxy and Foxette. Saphira laid her head on Freddy's shoulder and he glanced down at her with a smile. Once they reached the lower floor, he ran straight over to the bathroom and entered it. The others let them go. It was nice since Vanessa now practically gave them the permission to move around the pizzaplex like they used to before she came along.

Freddy helped Saphira down and roll her leggings down so she could sit and use the toilet. Freddy stood aside to give her privacy while he waited. “I am sorry that I hesitated before, Saphira. I know before I wouldn't, but I worried about too many things, like the guests. I didn't want them to follow me, which a few tried to do.”

“It is okay, Freddy,” Saphira's reassured him gently as she waited to finish peeing. She knew the pressure on her bladder made her need to go often, but she still questioned why she would pee so long. It was irritating to her. “You reached me in time. I wish I could stay and you could hold me while I sleep. I don't think I’m going to get much sleep later...and it isn't your fault. My history is just...painful.”

Freddy was relieved that she was not angry at him for hesitating. “Thank you for not being mad. I think...I have gone through many changes within my system that sometimes I fall back onto old habits. It is hard to ignore protocol.”

“And you needed someone to confirm you could override it, I know.” She sighed as she finally finished and she grabbed the toilet paper to clean herself. “I think all of you will keep going through change, and it's fine. It actually makes you closer to humans, in a way.” Freddy's ears twitch upward as he was intrigued by what she means by that. “As we go through life, we learn and experience many things, and it changes us. You’ve been around for seven years, and I came here and I’ve started the chain reaction of you and the other animatronics. You are learning different things, and it is good. I do feel bad you know that the world outside the pizzaplex is cruel, but it is our reality, unfortunately.”

“I suppose you are right. I guess...none of us expected things to turn out this way,” Freddy said in a thoughtful tone, glancing up at the ceiling thoughtfully. “Though we all did go through changes in our thoughts when we went through losing Mr Hippo, Foxette and the others, and Monty changed when he had that incident.” He smiled and turned his head as the toilet was flushed and Saphira walked out of the stall towards the vanity. “I can see why we are similar to humans in that way. Things change us...I like that. Being able to relate to people is something I’ve wanted. I know I’m not human, but I do want to befriend and relate to people. And this just makes me feel happy that I can.”

Saphira had a big grin as she washed her hands. She was happy that she could make Freddy happy over something small. “I am glad you feel that way. Even though you're an animatronic, you definitely seem more alive than robot. I’m glad I no longer just see you as a are so much more than that.” She blushed a little and giggled as Freddy tilts his head and she saw the movement in the reflection of the mirror. “I still sometimes even ask if I’m dreaming. But then I dream about you and I walking along a beach...that's definitely a dream.”

“If I had no need of a recharge station, I would definitely want to walk along a beach,” Freddy commented as he stepped closer to Saphira. “But I am not surprised that you think you are dreaming at times. You probably never thought you’d fall in love with a machine, just like I never thought I’d learn what love is, let alone fall in love with the most beautiful, amazing person in the world.”

“You aren't wrong, but I do see you more than a machine.” She turned to face Freddy and leaned against the vanity with a smile. Freddy stepped closer and she felt her heartrate increase. She placed her hands on his arms, gazing into his blue optics. “You are the only one who has ever made me feel special. I don't care that you are not a human. I love you like I would a person.”

Freddy placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned forward. He no longer pulled her towards him to keep her stomach from pressing against his stomach hatch. “And you have been the only one who made me feel special too. I love that I am more than just an animatronic to you. I love you so much. You are my super star.” He leaned closer and placed his lips against hers.

Saphira kissed him passionately and moved her hands up his arms and wrapped her arms around his back. It had been so long since they could really be this close to each other, and it felt nice. But the moment was short lived. The bathroom door slammed open suddenly and Freddy quickly moved Saphira behind him as the pumpkin face staff bots roll in.

There was a bright flash and Freddy cried out in shock, lifting his hands and stepping back in confusion. “My eyes! I cannot see!”

“Freddy!” Saphira exclaimed in horror as she watched his eyes shake and he rubbed them to try and see properly. She glanced at the bots that rolled closer. “They're getting closer...”

“Stay behind me!” Freddy ordered, blinking his eyes as he glanced around.

“As if your measly attempt to protect her will work, Freddy Fazbear!” Glitchtrap's voice sneered through one of the staff bots. “And what a touching moment! I can't believe I just ruined it for you. Pah! It was worth it.”

Saphira frowned at the bots nervously as she held Freddy's arm as she kept behind him while he struggled to see. “I hope you think your stunt was worth it. It almost cost you the babies.”

Glitchtrap laughed lightly. “It was...I am not a fool, I knew what I was doing. You are fine.” The bots roll around Saphira and Freddy, circling them and making Saphira tense as she looked at them. “Now you will know that I am always watching you. You might think you are smart...” The staff bots turn towards her suddenly and they seemed to have mouths, which open and showed multiple rows of sharp teeth. They snap at her and Saphira whimpered fearfully. “I made some new designs, they will keep you in check. And if you are thinking of finding the mainframe for them, don't bother. You will only end up hurt. This is your warning. Keep to your lane, or bear the consequences.”

The staff bots turn and roll away, speeding out of the bathroom and Saphira stared as she took deep breaths. “My sight is returning...” She looked at Freddy and moved in front of him. His eyes look at her and that confirmed he could see. “They flashed me with something stronger than the flash of the Fazcam.” He groaned as he rubbed his eyes. “He really wants to keep you from winning.”

“It seems that way...mind games,” Saphira said as she took deep breaths. “But I do not intend on letting him win, Freddy. Threat or not, I will not back down from him.”

Freddy blinked a few more times and seemed as though his sight has fully returned. “I...I want to say that you should stay safe. I heard a loud chomp, and I can't help but worry for you. But you are also right. You cannot give up. I just hope you are careful.”

“I will definitely be careful, Freddy, you have my word.” She kissed him with a smile. He still seemed unconvinced, and she did not blame him. “We should head back to the office. Is your sight okay? I can probably look at them later of Darren finished the others in time.”

“My sight is fully rebooted, Saphira,” Freddy said confidently with a small smile. “I can see you perfectly.” He kissed her gently before walking over to the door and peering out. “They have gone...” He reached his hand out to her and she was quick to take it. “We need to give you your massage.”

Saphira's chuckled and nodded as she and Freddy leave the bathroom and make their way towards the office. Saphira was still worried about the warning that Glitchtrap had given her, but it only fuelled her desire to stop him and Springtrap. She now knew that if she was to get rid of Glitchtrap, she had to first get rid of the source before flushing out the pizzaplex itself of the virus. Glitchtrap had unintentionally given Saphira the motivation to beat them.

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