Chapter 101

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Freddy carried Saphira even after leaving the utility tunnels. Saphira was surprised that he would do that, especially when they were at risk of getting caught since the pizzaplex was not yet closed, but he did not seem to be concerned. It was amusing and annoying at the same time. Even though she felt as huge as a bus, Saphira was still determined to do things without aid. And the animatronics did learn that very quickly, or she would snap at them. Of course, Saphira did apologize each time as she did not like being mad at them for a small, simple reason.

Once he reached Parts and Service though after going through his room, Saphira and Freddy spot a white box sitting on the floor in front of the cylinder. It was not there before, but it was also quite obvious that Springtrap left it there. Or he used one of the endos to place the box there. Regardless, Saphira was a little worried about it. Especially since she was close to giving birth.

"Should it?" Freddy asked curiously as he eyed off the box suspiciously. He looked at Saphira as he noticed she was nervous. "Maybe we should wait for the others."

Saphira stared at the box before gesturing for Freddy to put her down. He carefully placed her on her feet and she placed her hand on her back as she steadied herself. "It has my name on it, so...maybe we should open it now. I don't think it is a trap, but a message."

"A message?" Freddy seemed surprised by the idea and he walked over to the box and picked it up. It wasn't a big box, it sat in the palm of his hand. He looked at it curiously and turned back to Saphira. "What kind of message?"

"I would say it has something to do with my pregnancy," Saphira said softly. "Springtrap is the one who has been leaving me alone, not Glitchtrap. it. I don't want to wait."

Freddy nodded and he carefully opened the top of the box. She watched as he was slow to open it. Once he opened it, he was surprised to see notes inside the box, along with two small teddy bear keyring pieces. He frowned a little as he was bothered that Saphira was right about it, but he didn't know what the notes say. He was just glad nothing dangerous was inside the box.

Saphira stepped closer as he held the box out to her. "I see I was right." She was not sure what to feel about it, other than nervous. She reached in to grab out one of the notes to read it.

I must thank you for revealing the stupidity of Glitchtrap. I didn't think that my own consciousness that I uploaded to this pizzaplex would be stupid enough to scare you and put stress on you. I now no longer care what happens to Glitchtrap. It was useful to me while it lasted. Finish the virus off, and feel free to deal with the Princess Quest machines, I have no more use for them.

She raised an eyebrow after reading the first note. "Huh...Springtrap actually thanked me on revealing stuff regarding Glitchtrap...and he doesn't care what happens to it. I guess when you're a maniac like him, you only care about yourself."

"I think that is how Glitchtrap has been acting too," Freddy said thoughtfully. He didn't know what the note said, but hearing her tell him what it basically said was enough. "What about the other note?" She grabbed the note out and tensed as there was only a few sentences on it.

It seems my calculations about when you will give birth is a little off. You thought you had time, but you don't. Expect to see your twins in about fifty days from now. Thank you so much for your work, I will make sure to deal with you as quickly and painlessly as possible. That is, if you will deserve it.

Saphira felt weak at the knees suddenly and she stumbled, almost falling over. Freddy dropped the box and caught her before she fell. "Easy there, super star. Are you okay? What did the note say?"

Saphira looked at him worryingly. "Um...Springtrap might have been wrong about when I'll give birth. He thinks I'll give birth in fifty days." Freddy widened his eyes in surprise. "And...he will kill me when that happens."

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