Chapter 57

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It took a little bit for Saphira to work out where to send her approvals to. She asked Darren before he left and he simply told her there was literally a mailing slot in her office to send to his office to process that approval. She couldn't find it at first, but it was right next to the monitors, it was a bit discrete as it was the same dark grey colour as the rest of the room, but she tied a white ribbon to the handle so she knew where to find it next time. As for the guests, she reprimanded ten guests tonight within a span of thirty minutes, it was rather stressful and annoying, to the point she blacklisted the guests from ever returning to the pizzaplex. Much to their despair, but she would not have adults behaving worse than children in the building.

Saphira attempted to relax in the new office for a little bit with a cup of soda, but she found she just couldn't. Not like she could in the small, cosy office she had before. But she did not want to get on Mr Miller's badside, so she would learn to like her new office. She just felt it was too much and showed how hard the owner was at trying to impress her or keep her in the pizzaplex. She didn't need luxury to make her feel the need to remain as she had the animatronics as her main reason to even want to remain in the pizzaplex. She probably would have left already if it wasn't for her relationship with them.

Now that it was eleven, Saphira decided to check out the way to Rockstar Row from the office as she needed to know. She opened the door and saw a shorter hallway leading to a purple door. She was happy it was not so long like the one from the atrium, but she would have to walk that one more than once anyway. She walked to the door and opened it, smiling as she realized it was on the opposite side from the door into the utility tunnels which was good. She hummed softly and closed the door behind her as she made her way to Freddy's room. She was glad that the pizzaplex was empty right now.

The door opens and she finds Freddy in front of the mirror, flinching suddenly, placing something behind his back when she stepped in. "Oh Saphira...I...I didn't know you would be here right now," Freddy said in a slightly nervously tone, smiling at her as he tried to be innocent.

Saphira leans a little, curious to know what he was hiding behind his back. "What do you have there Freddy?"

"Hmm? Oh...I have no idea what you are talking about." Freddy shakes his head and Saphira smirked at him, stepping closer and he stepped back to press against the wall of his room. "Fine, it's just a little surprise for you...but you can't see it right now."

"Aww, well I am here now, so..." She huffed a little as Freddy was pressed against the wall and she couldn't see what he had in his hand no matter how much she tried peaking. "You're not going to show me are you?"

"Sorry, that would simply ruin the surprise. And you know I love giving surprises. So please, just...step out for a minute and I'll put it away so we can properly talk." Freddy seemed to be pleading for her to step out of the room and she was extremely curious on what it might be. "I know you want to see it Saphira, but please, I don't want to spoil it."

She sighed deeply and stepped back from him, she decided maybe it was best not to spoil it. If it was a gift he thought about, then she should left him reveal it to her. "Alright Freddy, sorry. I was just curious...I am still curious and now I'll be thinking on all the possibilities of what it could be. That's going to make the surprise just even sweeter I think."

Freddy chuckled lightly at her, keeping himself still so he wouldn't accidentally reveal the surprise to her. "Don't get too caught up thinking about it super star, you will love it when I am ready to show you. Just don't ask questions about it to me either, I will not tell you." He winked at her and she giggled at him.

"Okay, okay, I'm going. Come and get me when you've hidden it." Saphira stepped out of the room as she chuckled and watched the door close, she heard him sighing loudly as the door closed and she giggled again.

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