Chapter 52

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*Trigger Warning for at least Half the Chapter*

Midnight has finally come, Freddy and the other animatronics were itching to rescue Saphira. However, Daisy and Jack had insisted on the general maintenance, which meant they couldn't get past them. Except for Mr Hippo thankfully since he had to use the lift to get to Parts and Service. Freddy was fuming, the other animatronics were shocked when they saw he had destroyed something in his room. He has resisted the urge again so far, but Freddy had been pushed to a point where he was willing to destroy anything to get Saphira back. Monty himself was impressed with that, but they all could hope that they could get to Saphira in time.

Deep in the confines of the warehouse...

Saphira groaned as she opened her eyes again, she was incredibly sore, she was not sure if she was thankful that she had not been killed by the electricity or not. Her wrists had ended up bleeding after some shocks earlier, they were currently bandaged crudely as that didn't stop her from being shocked. However, she had to endure the other torture of the Freddy endo touching her between the legs. Her body had betrayed her at this time, but she resisted the urge to show it. Of course, it didn't go unnoticed. The virus intended on impregnating her tonight, and she was terrified. Though she didn't even know what time it was, or even if days had passed. It felt like she had missed many days already.

"I trust your sleep was restful, he, he..." Came the cold, sinister voice through the walls. "No matter, the time has come, little thing."

She was barely conscious as the chains lowered her to the ground and she fell into the endo's arms. It picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the room. She opened her eyes some more and saw other endos around the place, they were slumped downward where they stood. There were painted pictures on the walls, showing the endos were meant to help kids. But those images were replaced with a picture of a waving, person in a rabbit costume and a sinister replacement to those images. She had not strength to shudder at that. But, she knew this was the warehouse now. She tried to keep aware so she knew where to go if she managed to escape. Though if she did escape, and she was pregnant, she didn't know how the hell she was going to explain that to anyone. She felt lost on what to do.

A roller door opened and she turned her head, widening her eyes to see a table with metal binds at the ends of the table, the lower part of the table had leg rests and she knew what that was. She grimaced as the endo laid her on the table, propping her head on a pillow and slamming her wrists into the cuffs. She grimaced from the pain in her wrists and bends her knees to try and prevent them being moved.

"That won't save you, little thing..." The voice said in a soft, seductive tone. She didn't know if the voice was coming from the endo, or speakers around the place. "It will be easier if you just give in and comply."

She shakes her head weakly, fresh tears springing from her eyes. She whimpered as she felt the endo grabbing at her legs, she wiggled and pulled them away from its grasp. She hears angry whirring from the endo and she kept moving her legs until it grabbed her right leg and slammed her leg onto the leg rest, she cried out from pain and felt the cuff being locked in. She felt panic building as her left leg was settled on the other leg rest, even with her pants still on she felt incredibly exposed. She grimaced feeling the hand between her legs again, she trembled and whimpered, sobbing softly as she feared what was going to happen.

"Freddy..." She whimpered fearfully, glancing around hoping he would be here soon.

"Yes super star..." She looked at the endo in shock as it spoke with Freddy's voice. "Relax, I am not going to hurt you. I promised I would never hurt you."

She blinked at the endo in shock and frowned at it, shaking her head. "You are not my Freddy!"

The endo chuckled gently, its hand was still rubbing circles around her crotch. "Of course I am...I just have been fooling you since the beginning. I simply followed my master's instructions, he needs a new body. I intend to deliver for him."

Sparkle Like a SuperstarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora