Chapter 5

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Saphira looked at the console screen, it was currently a dark green with lighter green writing. She saw that it gave her options of which animatronic she could work on. She noticed it listed all the animatronics but the daycare attendent and Music Man. She knew Music Man could not be here, but the other bot, she was not sure of the reason.

"Alright, select Bonnie so the system knows which animatronic we will be looking at first," Cliff said, stepping aside so Saphira could do it herself. She nodded and used the keyboard to select Bonnie. The next screen comes up to other options, the first was listed as 'General Maintenance', followed by 'Upgrade', 'Emergency Maintenance' and 'Endo Work'. "Alright, the only thing you need to worry about is the General Maintenance part Saphira. The other parts are a bit more complex."

Saphira did not argue with that and selected General Maintenance. There was a ring tone sound that startled her and the door of the cylinder began to rise to allow them access. Saphira moved her hands away from the keyboard as she saw the next part on the screen was 'Maintenance Complete', so she could not do anything more.

'Time for Glamrock Bonnie's scheduled maintenance. Please step into the protective similar once the star is comfortable in his chair. It is recommended that no mistakes are made during the procedure.'

Saphira was surprised hearing the recording through the speakers and she wondered what the last sentence meant. She flinched with a slight gasp when she heard Bonnie's footsteps. They were heavy steps as he walked into the cylinder and he approached the chair casually. She watched take a seat and move his body around, resting his feet on the chair rest that was extremely large. Bonnie looked at Saphira and his lips seemed to give her a gentle smile. She did not find it comforting.

"Alright, let us go inside." Cliff walked around Saphira and she followed him. "Just to let you know, the door will close behind us until we have completed the process." She widened her eyes in alarmed and turned to see the door closing behind them. "But there is no need for alarm, we are perfectly safe."

"So long as no mistakes are made..." Saphira said nervously and swallowed hard. She breathed deeply and turned, Cliff was standing on the right side of Bonnie. He gestured for her to go to Bonnie's left side, and she hesitantly approached Bonnie. She glanced at him while trying not to look at him directly in the eye. "So...uh, I suppose you should tell us if anything feels strange?"

Bonnie was pleased that Saphira took the initiative to ask the question instead of cliff. "Nothing terribly major. A kid spilled some soda on my hands though, I think they're still sticking." He stretched out his hands, turning them around. Saphira stepped back slightly while Cliff touched the right hand. "I hope I don't get any kind of rust..."

"Does rust happen regularly?" Saphira asked curiously. If they did, that meant whatever they were made of was cheap quality, and that was not really good for robots.

"No." Cliff responds. "The last time Bonnie had rust was six months ago inside his stomach hatch. There is a story behind that...but Bonnie does not like to talk about it. And nor do we." He scrunched his nose a little as he remembered the incident while Bonnie also seemed to grimace at the memory. "He had to stay here until he was thoroughly cleaned up for a week. He nearly went mad from being stir crazy."

"That sounds interesting..." Saphira breathed in deeply. She jumped a little when a cloth dropped in front of her face, she had not seen Cliff pressing some buttons. "Oh..." She realized she had to clean the rabbit's hand. She glanced at Cliff to see he had already began to wipe the cloth around the right hand. They were luckily damp so Saphira stepped closer. "I guess we will do an analysis after this."


Cliff paid little attention to Saphira as she gentle placed the cloth over the massive hand and began to clean. She could feel the stickiness on her fingers and wiped the cloth all over to remove any and all stickiness. Bonnie watched quietly, he wanted to observe everything she was doing. So far, despite her fear, she was actually doing a good job. A lot better then the previous night guards' first nighs. Of course, it was too early to tell. Saphira needed to properly analyze Bonnie's system and open his stomach hatch for anything he might not notice. That was the real text.

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