Chapter 69

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Saphira looked at the time, it was five minutes past twelve and that meant she should introduce the animatronics to Vanessa. It was something she did not want to do, but it was necessary since the woman was here to stay. She sighed and looked up at the cameras, Vanessa had not yet returned to her office, she was in the basement checking the kitchen, loading dock, locker and dining hall right now. Saphira was glad she did not have to go down there right now. But, she knew she would have to inform her soon.

"I guess it is time," Freddy said softly, he was well aware of the time as well and he knew Saphira was not looking forward to it at all. "Should we head to the atrium?"

"Yeah..." Saphira lifts her wrist to open communication with the other animatronics. "Alright guys, now is the time to meet the new night guard. She's still down in the basement, so we should all meet her in the atrium. I'll inform her shortly."

"We will be there," Mr Hippo responded quickly and calmly. "Just make sure you keep yourself controlled. I know you have a big dislike for that woman."

Saphira did not respond and cut the communcation. "I am being controlled already."

"I know." Freddy smiled, extending his hand towards her. "We can go together. Or do you want to speak with Vanessa first?"

She stared at his hand as she pondered on the question. She hummed and stood up from the desk, taking the large, warm hand with her palm. "I suppose we can head to the atrium. There really is no hurry. Besides..." Saphira glanced back at the monitors with a slight frown. "She seems to be taken an awfully long time down there."

"She is new here, you didn't know you way in the basement either," Freddy said as he gently pulled her away from the monitors to walk towards the elevator. "Why do you think that it is suspicious?"

"I don't know, I guess...because of how I feel about her it is clouding my judgement." Saphira did know she was being judgemental, she just couldn't help it. She was too suspicious about her, and she knew the reasons why. "Plus, the stress and anxiety I have been under along with recovering really is not helping. This is just not something I want to deal with."

"I know. We are here to help you through this Saphira, do not forget that." They step into the elevator and he pulled Saphira in for a hug, wrapping his arms around her to comfort her. "I love you, and I always will. Nothing will change how I feel about you."

Saphira smiled, feeling her heart skipping a beat as she heard those words. She looked up and got onto her tip toes to kiss him, he kissed her back gently. "I missed hearing you tell me that," She said with a chuckle. "Thank you. It has made me feel a bit better."

He tilts his head slightly and kissed her again. "That is what I am here for." He rubbed her back gently and his ears twitch when the elevator dinged and the door opened. "Here is our stop."

Saphira sighed, she kept her hand in Freddy's hand and stepped out, she hated walking the long, grey hallway. Especially since she knew that Music Man could come back at any time. It made her feel very paranoid. At least Freddy was with her and it made it easier to walk through the hallway. They reach the door to the atrium and Saphira's face lit up when she saw the other animatronics already there.

"You guys got here fast," Saphira commented as they approach with a smile on her face. "I did not think you were that eager to meet the woman."

"We're not, we are eager to get it over with," Roxy responded in a bored voice. "Where is this woman anyway?"

"Basement. She's been there for fifteen minutes..." Saphira glanced at her Fazwatch to check the cameras. "Yep...though...she's been standing in the dining hall in particular. Seems she is talking to someone, but I don't see anyone."

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