Chapter 79

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Three Weeks Later...

The past few weeks have been quite...well, it is hard to describe. It has been a mixture of emotions for everyone right now. Saphira had finally left the pizzaplex a couple days after the incident and returned to her apartment to sleep in once her ankle had healed and her head felt a lot better. The action alone saddened the animatronics, but it was also a relief because she no longer had the lingering fear of losing Freddy. However, her sleep has been anything but peaceful. Wrecked with nightmares daily, Saphira's dreams are full of Springtrap, Vanessa, the animatronics betraying her and her family tormenting her. It did impact how she was able to work a little, and she ran on caffeine a lot of the times. However, Freddy had found her asleep at her desk multiple times whenever he came to talk to her, as did Mr Hippo. She had been less with pleased with this, though she did not complain about being moved to the bed and allowed to sleep because she didn't have her nightmares when she fell asleep in the pizzaplex. It seemed, it was still somewhere safe to her mind.

As for Vanessa, that woman has given Saphira a lot of space now. They only interacted professionaly and Darren did have to hold Saphira back more than once as Vanessa said some things that made Saphira want to murder that woman. She was glad Darren was there to help her though, she didn't know how she would cope if she didn't have someone helping her and comforting her, and being her voice when she was struggling. There have also been more disappearances since the incident too, they did not happen everyday, but they did occur. And Saphira discovered some that were not even brought to their attention, which was concerning.

Saphira's interactions with the animatronics had reduced to only the bare minimal now. She has spoken to them a little bit, but remained shut off talking to them like she had before. However, she and Freddy will stare at each other with sad eyes. They both were in pain, and Freddy has been not himself ever since. He was given a few days in his room alone, but he had to come out eventually. He still spends time with the guests, but he is not like he used to be. Even when on the show, he does not dance with the same enthusiasm he once had. Saphira had watched the shows a few times, and she did feel bad about it. But, she also felt so much pain and anger about it all that she just had a huge wall up around her right now.

And was she pregnant? That was still unclear. The pregnancy tests she takes regularly have come up negative, she even went to the doctor for a blood test and it came up negative. She did not even get an ultrasound due to the negative test, even though Saphira was certain she was. No symptoms have shown since, and Saphira seemed more like her old self since the incident. Even if she was now in a self defence mode at the moment. She has become more frightened of the staff bots, she's even flinched away from the arms in the protective cylinder and she nearly had a panic attack when a child guest ran up to her wearing a bunny mask.

The virus and Springtrap also have not shown their ugly faces since the incident. Perhaps they were satisfied...of course they were. Saphira knew it. Nothing else has happened since than, she has been left in her own misery. She did begin thinking on whether she should go to a therapist...but that frightened her. All she's been through...and she needed to admit it to someone in order to get help. She did start missing talking with Mr Hippo

Tonight, was just the usual Monday night again, or mostly usual. The summer break has come around, the pizzaplex was busier than it was normally. Saphira was sitting in the office sipping some coffee and eating an apple as she watched the monitors quietly. Vanessa was currently dealing with a group of guests who were caught making a mess in the karaoke bar, and she was handling it quite well. Saphira was pleased she did not have to deal with them. Dealing with people has been a lot harder for herself lately, especially with the dark circles under her eyes.

She hears the elevator doors open and she did not bother looking to know it was Darren. "Evening, I see you're loading yourself up on caffeine for the night." She nodded as she approached. "Anyway, I came to tell you that you might have a night off from maintenance." She turned her head with a frown in surprise. "The animatronics have said they don't feel that anything is wrong..."

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