Chapter 77

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Saphira heard Springtrap's roar through the hallway as she ran for her life. She knew she pretty much knew she had gotten him very, very angry. The nightmare bots were chasing her, this time they seemed a lot faster and there were a lot more of them coming after her. She found a long pipe she could carry and used it to hit and break multiple nightmare bots that got in her way. The numbness was slowly spreading too. She already knew whatever was causing that feeling was in the soup she had. She just felt she had no choice but to eat it, she was sure all the food was laced with it. She had to find a way to get out. She was almost there before, the warehouse must be just above her and she could get out.

Saphira ran into another large area with rubbish, old generators, an old saw and nearly came to a stop when she saw more bodies. These ones still had flesh on them and their organs hanging out. The skin colour was gone and she gagged loudly when she saw them. Especially when she saw the children's bodies. She turned her eyes from them and kept running. She found another hallway and saw signs directing her towards the warehouse. She smiled and made a right, only for a nightmare bot to slap its arm out and hit her forehead.

Saphira yelped and fell backwards, holding her head as the hit was very hard and she felt onto the ground hard too. Her vision blurred slightly and looked up, she gasped as she saw the other bots. But, Springtrap was running towards her now. "This is not over, Saphira!" He yelled at her angrily.

She did not respond, scrambling to her feet and forcing the tip of the pipe into the nightmare bot's neck and pulling out wires as she ran past it. She was not going to let him catch her. She yelped as another tried jumping onto her and pulling her down, she managed to kick it away, resulting in the hands cutting her shoulders. She whimpered a little and kept running. She found a set of stairs and ran up them. She heard the nightmare bots climbing the railings to try and get her quickly, and Springtrap's longer stride meant he could skip several stairs at a time too.

She reached the top and jumped to the right as another ten nightmare bots lunge at her and she ran to the right. She spotted ruined endo skeletons and she knew she was in the warehouse. However, as she ran she trips over an endo torso she didn't see and landed face first into a wall. She groaned and fell to the ground, her head throbbed and she felt blood seeping from her nose. Thankfully, it was not broken. But her ankle throbbed like crazy, she felt she might have sprained it. She spotted a small enough hole to crawl through into a room.

"You really should have reconsidered carrying my new body," Springtrap said, stomping towards her and glaring at her before he smirked. "Ooh, that is a nasty bump on your head. If you would allow me, I would tend to it for you."

"Go to hell!" Saphira spat back at him as she pulled herself through the hole. "I don't need you."

"Hmm, hell spat me back out." He chuckled softly and crouched by the hole, looking inside at her with a smirk. "You have nowhere to go now. You are in a room, with no way out but back to me. If you give yourself up, I might be gentle with how I handle you."

Saphira glanced around desperately. There was a vent underneath a desk against the wall. She could fit underneath it. There was no barrier on the vent, so she could get in easily. She just needed to act like she didn't know, Springtrap didn't seem to notice she has seen it. Still, the numbing was spreading to her legs now, it was scaring her, whatever pain she could be in was masked by this drug.

"I doubt I believe you," Saphira responded with a grunt, sliding herself closer to the desk, glancing up at the table in front of her. "You will probably torture me like you did before...electricity..."

"Oh, no, no, no...that was just a tickle," Springtrap responded in a fake, sickly, sweet tone. "Besides, you will only have me as your company. Your precious Glamrock Freddy is no where near as I am."

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