Chapter 97

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One Month Later...

Nearly six months along, and Saphira's pregnancy has progressed well. Though she felt quite huge now, as she looked like she was eight months along with a single baby at this point, Saphira has yet to feel any movement from the twins within her. She was a little concerned, but she also knew that her pregnancy was not a normal pregnancy, so things could be different. And she did also take joy knowing she would not feel kicks while she was in the middle of sleep. That didn't mean she wasn't uncomfortable during the night however.

The only thing that seemed to keep her awake was her determination to erase Glitchtrap. She had really focused on improving the Trojan horse to lure the virus, and being able to protect the animatronic system from Glitchtrap's attacks. So far she could probably enact her plan very soon, but she didn't just yet. Mostly because Vanessa has been acting weird recently.

This started around the time a new orphanage opened in the town, and the children were brought here occasionally. For some strange reason, Saphira overheard Vanessa and Springtrap having a weird conversation. She had not meant to eavesdrop a week ago when she had gone to the main kitchen to check a malfunctioning piece of equipment, and she passed by a closed off maintenance area and Vanessa had been inside speaking with Springtrap. And she remembers it, and it made her shiver.

'Stay the course.'

'I will.'

'Focus on my voice.'

'I will.'

'Don't let anyone lead your astray.'

'I won't.'

'Have you selected one?'

'I have.'

That was the strange conversation she had overheard from Vanessa and Springtrap. In fact, he was using his Mr Miller voice, which seemed to be somehow a hypnotic voice for Vanessa. She did not know how Springtrap even brainwashed her. But considering the strangeness of what had been said, especially the question about selecting one, Saphira worried if this had something to do with the orphanage. And she didn't know why Springtrap was even interested in the first place. It also made Saphira even more motivated.

This included creating a new set of eyes for the animatronics. The distortion disc was the other thing she had been working on overcoming for the animatronics. She was very close to getting the right frequency. The animatronics could potentially see Vanessa, but not very well. She wanted it to be better than that so they could see her properly. She believed she would have the new eyes ready to be made just before Christmas. At least she was hoping for that.

Saphira was currently in her office after she had arrived early. She had come to the pizzaplex early as she had been uncomfortable when she woke up at home. So she brought her laptop to keep working on the antivirus. Today is the day she turns twenty-one, and the only thing she has found so far was a small gift when she arrived in the office today. It was from Freddy. It was a vase of red roses, a box of chocolates and a new necklace that had arrived to the pizzaplex to sell. It was a silver chain with peacock-feather shaped pendants with the smiling faces of the animatronics on the six, golden pendants with blue, pink and green glitter around the faces. It wasn't an expensive gift, but it was beautiful. Saphira knew she would have to thank Freddy later. Darren left a birthday card for her.

She had never really received a gift on her birthday before, so this was rather special for her. She did not put the necklace on as she wanted to put it on when she sees Freddy. The pizzaplex was rather quiet at the moment as Thanksgiving had just been a few days ago. That was another holiday Saphira never got to experience. She used to see her former family gather and eat delicious food, but she never got to eat any of it. Or if she did, it was always the scraps. So when Darren told her she could enjoy it, Saphira almost did not. But she has been eating a lot lately, so she wasn't going to turn down food.

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