Chapter 45

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Saphira grumbled to herself as she stood on the lift heading back up to the atrium to see what she could find out regarding the freezer. She knew there were many other freezers in the pizzaplex, but if one needed an electrician, she would report it. She might be able to fix and animatronic, but fixing a freezer was completely out of her skill level. Freddy had opted to stay with Foxy to speak with him, which Foxy had agreed since the bear now knew of what happened to Foxette. It seemed maybe Freddy simply wanted to comfort him and speak to him about it all. That was fine. They knew Foxette, she did not, so it was not really necessary for Saphira to be there. Besides, this was not something that she needed Freddy for and it would not take long. Entering the pizzeria kitchen, the faint smell of pizza tickled her nose and she smiled, walking towards the huge freezer, pausing as she noticed the sound coming from the freezer sounded odd. The fans normally would not be making much more than a hum, but at the moment it sounded like the fans were struggling to stay on. Saphira took notes on that and checked the temperature and saw that it was currently minus ten degrees celsius, or fourteen fahrenheit, which was not a good sign as it should be minus fifteen degrees celsius for food safety. She made a note of that too and looked at any of the cable and piping connected to the freezer for any damage and leakage. Nothing. That was good, seems like it was the fans.

She opened the freezer door and turned on her flashlight, shining it inside towards the vents of the freezer, listening to anything more unusual, and there was a loud groaning coming from it. It definitely was worse in here than from what she heard on the outside. She makes that as part of her note and was about to step back from the freezer to close the door and make the report as the lights suddenly go out. She sighed deeply, annoyed, pointing the flashlight upwards slightly at the lights.

"Great always," Saphira muttered, irritated at the building's system of turning the lights off randomly at night. She shakes her head and stepped away only to notice red light reflections on the door. She spun around and shrieked when she saw a dozen staff bots staring at her with red eyes. Except, these were not the usual staff bots. These ones had the black streaks down their faces and the wide, sharp, toothy smiles just like the one she saw in the utility tunnels. Saphira lifts her wrist as she shines her light at the bots staring at her. "Uhh...Freddy..."

"Is Moon up to something again?" Freddy asked through the Fazwatch. "You sound very nervous. Are you still at the pizzeria kitchen?"

"Uh huh...uhh...there's a bunch of creepy staff bots staring at me...they have those painted marks on their faces like the one in the utility tunnels..." Saphira moved her leg to kick the freezer door to close it. "Ummm...this is not good..."

"Dave isn't here anymore...I'm coming Saphira. Don't...uhh, don't move in case they react to that..." Freddy sounded so unsure about that because he did not know what the bots would do.

Saphira herself was too afraid to even move. The door of the freezer was closing slowly, she felt the cold air slowly disappearing behind her. She worried these bots would try to rip her apart or something, she didn't even know if they were even on the same staff bot system as the rest of them. However, she jumped when she heard something slam on the door behind her and glanced off to see one of the bots and he threw it back open. Saphira yelped as the door hit her back and the back of her legs, making her stumble slightly and she stopped, tensing as she looked back at the bots. She was still shining her flashlight at them, moving the light around at each of them nervously. She thought about running just as they suddenly lunged at her with raised hands. Saphira moved to jump aside as they shove her into the freezer, causing her to drop the flashlight on the floor and fall onto the freezing floor. She looked up in shock and scrambled to stand and run out of the freezer just as the door was slammed shut.

"Shit!" Saphira cursed, running at the door to try and force it open. She pushed on it as hard as she could, but the door would not budge. She paused as she heard the fans suddenly turn up, and they sounded normal this time. She widened her eyes as she realized that somehow this was a ploy. " the virus wants to play?" She rolled her eyes, lifting her wrist to speak through the Fazwatch. "Freddy, you are not going to believe what just happened." She widened her eyes when she only heard static. "Freddy? Freddy!" She panicked as she could not see a thing. She heard the sound of the lights coming back on and tried to open the door again before she began to pace. "Freddy! Can you hear me!" She received no response again and Saphira continued to pace, crossing her arms as the cold was setting in and she began to shiver. "This is not good...not good at all...fuck, I hope they figure it out..."

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