Chapter 59

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One Month Later...

A lot has happened during the past month since Saphira got her new office. Luckily, it was not related to the virus or Mr Miller, so Saphira was able to be quite busy with all that has been happening. The Freddy Karaoke Bar and Lounge has been a big hit since it opened, lots of people used it and Saphira was absolutely thrilled by it. The new section above the lobby finally opened too with Chica Chowder, Foxy's Seahorse Carousel, Mr Hungry Hippos and the Foxy and Foxette Romance, all these new places were a hit and Saphira found herself loving the merchandise from the Foxy and Foxette Romance store. And little did she know, so did Freddy. He still has not revealed the surprise he has hinted to her a month ago, she stopped thinking about it after a couple weeks as she had other things to think on. She had also managed to give all rest of the animatronics their scent receptors, it took too long in her opinion, but they are thrilled to have it.

She had managed to completely repair the endos for Foxette, Orville, Happy Frog and Pigpatch, however she had submitted their new designs and was waiting for the casings to be made before she could wake them up. She also had managed to create a firewall to use against the virus for the animatronics, however, she was not able to clear it out of Moon and DJ Music Man just yet. However, she was able to test it by copying the code that the animatronics had in their system and it seems the firewall should protect them. She uploaded the firewall into their system, and she was lucky none of them seemed to notice. It had a similar pattern to Mr Hippo's system, but she uploaded the firewall to his as well. She wanted to be sure that they were protected, she just hoped the virus couldn't break through, but had been constantly working on it to improve the firewall for better protection.

As for the staff bots, she did work on the Map Bot system to override its aggressive command to give maps to people. She did discover it was indeed hard as she was told by the technicians. She worked hard on the system to override it and she managed to, with a lot of focus of course. She didn't like staying in the staff bot mainframe for too long, mostly because she did not want the virus to try and brainwash her like it already had. However, she was able to fix one main issue that was a constant complaint, now everyone likes the Map Bot. She hoped it would stay that way.

The construction for the Chica Coaster and Monty's Driving Range had all begun at this point too, she also approved a new dodgem area that will go into the Roxy Raceway area, cleverly named Roxanne's Furious Dodgems and a new area that will be built adjacent to the new area above the lobby, sitting it above the atrium for even more areas for people to enjoy. Saphira was a tad overwhelmed by it, but as she wasn't the one constructing these places she was just fine.

She did also approve of hiring technician staff to work during the day, and to focus mostly on general maintenance of the attractions and to report any issues on staff bots and animatronics. Saphira dealt with the animatronic maintenance herself, especially when her wrists had finally healed properly. She was lucky to not have much scaring left from them, but she found herself talking to Mr Hippo several times a week to get things off her chest.

As for her relationship with Freddy, it really hasn't changed much. Saphira has tried a few more times to get comfortable with being naked around Freddy, but whenever he tries to touch her, she feels panic and withdraws. It was frustrating for the both of them, Saphira knew she was hurting Freddy, and she hated that she was. He was being so gentle and patient with it all though, she didn't know how long she could go on being this way. She hated being afraid of his touches. It has been slowly getting better though, only slowly though. Freddy was at least able to undress her without making her freak out, and she was back to stroking his package as often as possible.

Right now, it was a Monday night and Saphira had arrived early as Darren contacted her about something important, he needed to discuss with her. She did not know what that was, but as she arrived at eight, the pizzaplex was still quite busy. It usually was at this time, but people were starting to leave, so it would become incredibly quiet by the time it was nine. She walked to the staff door in the lobby to head up to Darren's office as that is where he said he would be when she arrived.

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