Chapter 110

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Trigger Warning for this Chapter

Due to whatever drug that was soaked into the rag that her father placed over her mouth, Saphira struggled to focus. She knew she was being carried through the lobby right now, but she did not know where she was being taken to exactly at the moment. She kept her mouth shut at the moment as saying anything would make her receive a strike, and she knew it. Her mother was with her father and brother. Her mother had blonde hair and hazel eyes, and her four sisters shared the same appearance as her mother. Even her younger sisters. They were all grinning victoriously at Saphira right now. The only ones not present were some of her cousins, uncles and two aunts, they were trying to keep Mr Hippo and Pigpatch from chasing them. She felt awful because Eclipse had been attacked, and he likely will need repairs. Though she knew that he would need to be repaired in his own Parts and Service area behind the day care.

Her Fazwatch was silent. She had worried the animatronics would speak through it, but it seemed they knew not to. At least it seemed her family were unaware. Her father, Devin, has aged quite a bit. He would be in his late fifties now, and Saphira was sure there was a lot of pent up aggression in him for her. She was very terrified, and she hoped the animatronics will reach her before he does anything to her.

"I am very surprised you chose to rename yourself, Zafina," Her mother spoke spitefully. "A name like that has been defiled by you. You ugly, sorry excuse of a daughter. Scratch that, sorry excuse of a human."

"Oh, don't be harsh," Her oldest sister said to her mother in a fake, kind tone. "She covered her tracks, that is all."

"I agree with Annabelle," Her second oldest sister butted in with a smile. "She has evaded us all this time. I hope we can thank the person who sent us the email and pictures."

"I still cannot believe she's pregnant!" Devin said coldly with a slight huff of amusement. "And she looks almost ready to give birth. What do you think we should do, Judy?"

The blonde woman scoffed in disgust. "As if that little brat even deserves to be born at this rate. I feel sorry it has Zafina as its mother, but this will be better then letting live with such shame."

"That's cold, mom," Kyle mocked with false concern. "We better get her down to the basement. They cleaned up our marks, but I remember where we go. Eliza and Annabelle know where to go."

Annabelle is Saphira's oldest sister, and Eliza is the second oldest. Annabelle nodded affirmatively, holding up her Fazerblaster. "As long as those robots don't find us before we get to the utility tunnels, we should be good."

Oh they are taking me down there. No, no! Don't cry!

Saphira felt tears on the verge of falling from her eyes. She was not going to let that happen as she did not want her family to feel the satisfaction of making her cry. But she knew that they have seen the tears in her eyes. She tried to fight them away. She had to be strong. She grimaced as she felt a fee kicks from the twins, but she hoped to not make it obvious. She knew that they wouldn't know unless they touch her stomach.

They walk through the staff door from the lobby. Saphira didn't know how they knew about this way, but it seemed like someone had leaked the map to them. And she knew who it was. She hoped the animatronics would stop them, as this was definitely a way she would expect them to come. Although...going through the atrium is quicker to get to the day care, so they may not. Unless, of course, one of the animatronics with the upgraded eyes see them going this way. Plus, they would be tracking her right now with the Fazwatch.

"What do you think we should do when we get down there?" Her youngest sister asked curiously as she looked around for any sign of the animatronics.

"Well, Maria, I think she deserves a few things," Her father responded bluntly. "Firstly, she was never allowed to grow out her hair. And now look at it! It's down to the middle of her back!" Oh no... "So she needs to get it cut!"

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