Chapter 53

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Standing by the couch, looking down at Saphira's sleeping form, Freddy stood with a sad and guilty expression. He felt he really let her down big time, and the crude bandages on her wrists slipped off when he brought her to his room. Seeing those burn wounds on her wrists, he was extremely upset for her. However, he retrieved the ointment from the first aid to apply the ointment to the wounds, believing it would help to heal them as soon as possible. Freddy did not know what happened in the warehouse, he feared he didn't even want to know what happened. As much as it pained him to admit it, letting her go now would be easier. She has gone through so much, and he felt that it might never be safe here in the pizzaplex. It would be her decision at the end of the day of course. If she remained, he would definitely be happy. But it would be for his selfish want for her to stay with him, and he knew it.

Saphira did not wake up when six am clocked around, Freddy closed the curtains so no one would disturb her. He wanted her to rest as much as possible. However, he and all the other animatronics have connected to the office and made reports that would be sent directly to Mr Miller. It would be regarding the disregard from Darren mostly, while also expressing distaste for the technicians. The animatronics were able to this, it was rare they made reports about employees, but this was unanimous. They doubted Darren would leave, they liked him. But as he didn't even attempt to try and find Saphira, it upset them even though Dave has been dead for two weeks.

Darren arrived at the pizzaplex at eight, an hour before the pizzaplex would open, and he discovered an email from Mr Miller regarding his disappointment in the manager and that Saphira had been found. Darren was shocked to hear of this and he made his way to Freddy's room where she was. Saphira was awake at this point, but she had not made much of an attempt to get up. She was resting her had on Freddy's lap when Darren entered to the room.

"Saphira!" Darren gasped as his eyes lands on Saphira, wearing a glittery purple suit for today. Saphira narrowed her eyes once she saw him. "It brings me great joy that you are alive! I am so sorry I didn't look for you...I assumed you were gone like the others."

Saphira sat up with a grunt, her green eyes burning in his as she glared back at him. "You could have saved me so much time Darren! I was lost in the warehouse, I was injured and not one person came down to find me. It had to take the animatronics to find me! It should never have happened."

"You're right, I am sorry..."

"Save it Darren!" Saphira interruped abruptly. "I will be reporting you to Mr Miller for how you disregarded my safety. Oh, and I will be recommending the termination for Jack and Daisy."

The man frowned in surprised when she spoke about firing Jack and Daisy. "Why do you want to fire them?"

"They did not allow the animatronics to search for me in the warehouse, that is why. They never came into the warehouse to do their usual duties there, they could have found and got me out of there. But no! They did the bare minimum. I saw it on the cameras!" Saphira huffed a little, placing her hands on her hips. "I am sure you can tell by my wrists I had an electrical accident."

Freddy tilts his head slightly as he listened to Saphira, she did not tell them she had been electrocuted. "Yes...I can see those burns...something electrocuted you."

Saphira nodded at him. "Thankfully, it didn't kill me. But it hurt like hell and I passed out from it. I don't even know how long I was in the warehouse for. You were responsible for me Darren, you might not be my boss, but you were still responsible."

"I am sorry! Mr Miller has already sent me an email telling me he's disappointed and considering next moves." Darren's eyes fill with tears suddenly, much to Saphira's surprise. "I really, really am sorry Saphira. Forgive me..." He took a deep breath and glanced at Freddy, the animatronic had said nothing this whole time. "I am sorry."

Sparkle Like a SuperstarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora