Chapter 30

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Saphira looked up at the traffic light above the starting line. The first one glowed red, she could see Roxy frowning with a confident grin, she was really into this even if it was a test run. The second light came on and Saphira took a glance at Freddy. He was watching from the balcony above and he waved to her, giving her a thumbs up with a big smile. She glanced back at the traffic light when the green light comes on and a high-pitched sound came through the speakers, signalling the start of the race. Saphira put her foot down and felt the kart lurching forward as the power of the motor kicks in and she speeds away with the others. Roxy laughed loudly as she pushed her kart along the track. Monty was already catching up to her and as was Chica.

"Look out wolfie!" Monty sneered sarcastically at Roxy. "I'm right behind you!"

"Oh, you will never been me Monty!" Roxy responded with a laugh, turning the wheel to drift around a bend. Monty and Chica copy her, but she speeds away from the turn more quickly. "I am the best!"

Saphira chuckled softly, she was taking care around the bend as she did not want to drift. She would not even know how to drift anyway, but she was having a lot of fun. Feeling the rush of air around her as the karts speeds along the track was more than enough for her. Cliff was ahead of her and she did not mind at all. She could hear the bots laughing loudly and taking jabs at each other, but Roxy was still ahead of all of them.

"Ah! I almost past you Roxy, he, he, he!" Chica laughed loudly. "But we can't damage the karts, so be careful my friend."

"I am always careful."

She wondered if she would ever get to that point of being good friends with them to have a lot of fun like this. It was something she often envied. She found herself slowing down a little as she felt sad, reminding herself that people like each other more than her. Even among the animatronics it would seem. Freddy was quick to notice Saphira had slowed down, he quickly was worried for her.

"Is everything okay super star?" Freddy asked through the Fazwatch. "You slowed down. Is the kart okay?"

"I know...I...was just thinking..." Saphira sighed and shakes her head before pressing her foot on the throttle some more. "I know I shouldn't, but I was. Don't worry, I am having fun."

"You did not look like it. Maybe you should pull over. Roxy will speed past you and she tends to get very close when she does that when she overlaps someone. She might scare you."

That was a good warning. Saphira could hear her kart behind her now. Although she was not directly behind her yet, but having Roxy do that sounded something she would do. So Saphira was not surprised, but she was glad Freddy warned her before it happened. And she didn't want that chance so she sped as fast as she was comfortable around the track. She felt herself smiling again, this was a lot of fun and she felt stupid for allowing old feelings creep up simply because the animatronics were having fun with each other. She was having fun too, and that was all that mattered. She did gasp though when she saw Roxy over her shoulder, the wolf glanced at her with a grin.

"Hey kid! Looks like you're a little slow!" Roxy teased, driving up to be beside her for a moment. "First time driving a kart hey? Not bad for a first time. But, you still lose! I win everytime!" She chuckled and zoomed ahead of Saphira, she saw the wheels of the karts nearly collide with each other. "Have fun eating my dust!"

"Mine too!" Monty yelled, causing Saphira to jump hearing his voice. She slowed down to go around a bend while she saw Monty drifting around her. "Ha, ha, ha! This is fun! I beat you punk! Time to beat the wolf!"

"Don't count on it!" Roxy responded loudly. "I am the best!"

Saphira grinned at them, she didn't know what to say as she was focused on driving the kart so she wouldn't have an accident as she knew karts were easy to tip. She heard Chica coming up behind her next, she glanced at the bot who was smiling at her and gave her a thumbs up.

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