Chapter 15

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The door of the Protective Cylinder opens as Cliff and Daisy finished the maintenance needed for Foxy. The bot stood up from the chair, he had a depressed expression as he looked at his right hand that should be a hook and slowly walked out of the cylinder. Saphira felt sorry for him because he looked so sad right now.

"Okay, Foxy is done for now, we will try to have your hook fixed on our next shift Foxy," Cliff said to the bot, placing a hand on his hand gently with a smile. Foxy glanced at the technician for a moment. "On the bright side, you don't have to stay in your room all day tomorrow, you can go and play in Kids Cove. They still love you."

"Yah, I know. It is not the same without me hook. I don't me." Foxy glanced at Saphira for a moment, she hoped he did not blame her. But he smiled at her and stepped closer, making Saphira take a step back in fear. "Thanks for bein' here Saphira. I was happy to see you lass. You did good." He winked at Saphira as he was referring to the day before, she smiled at him as she was glad he was not making it obvious. "Ye know where to find me."

He turned to walk towards the stairs to head up to his room. Saphira watched him leave, he did not have a skip in his step like he did normally. It was heavy and slow, he definitely was sad. In fact, it looked like he was trying not to cry. Saphira did not know if they were capable of crying, she has not heard them yet.

"Nice to see you here Saphira." She snapped her head towards Cliff when he addressed with wide eyes like she was just caught. He rose an eyebrow at her reaction. "I hope you're not afraid me too. I am glad you're here. You get to watch us do our job before you help with Freddy." Saphira nearly rolled her eyes at him, she didn't appreciate him telling her that. Cliff looked up at Chica next. "Your turn missy, we shall see if there is anything we need to find out."

"I feel fine Cliff," Chica responded confidently before sighing dramatically and placing a hand on her hip. "But I know it is procedure, so I will let you check my systems over." She giggled and approached the door as Daisy selected Chica's file on the console. The door opened again to let Chica in. She glanced at Saphira and winked at her. "This will not take long."

Saphira was sure of that, she watched Cliff and Daisy go back inside, leaving Saphira with Freddy and the other technicians. She watched quietly as the technicians remove Chica's beak, they seemed to be checking her voice box right now. She did not really know why, but there was probably a reason for it. Saphira did wish she was in there right now, her fingers were twitching and all she wanted was to help. But she could not. She knew it too. At least for now, in a sense, this was her punishment for helping Roxy. It really was not fair.

While Saphira focused on what was happening inside the cylinder, she had not felt the eyes lingering on her. Freddy was not paying attention to Chica, he was gazing at Saphira. She was so close! He could reach out and touch her! But she would jump away if he did. But while he could only see the back of her, his mind was still wandering and he again was feeling warm as he trailed the curves of her body with his eyes. He still did not know why she affected him. He figured there was something wrong with his system, especially as he's never looked a human this way. Although he did think something was wrong with his system, he actually liked this feeling. He couldn't explain it at all. She was a young woman, he knew she was twenty as her profile was in the pizzaplex system. And she already has been through so much. Freddy could not help but wonder how bad her life was before now. Does that meant she didn't always live in a white house? Did she live in something else? And she knew self defense, Freddy wasn't totally against violence, but the bandaids on her cheek stirred a feeling he's never had before either. Anger. Protectiveness. Those two new feelings made him question his system even more. He should never feel anger at all! Protectiveness could be argued, but anger and, this was something he did not understand. The only ones who might are Bonnie and Monty. Both of them seem to experience these feelings, and he wanted to understand it. Freddy had considered speaking to them, but with Monty's distrust for Saphira, he did not know how he would react. They probably wouldn't even understand these feelings towards a human. Why would they? They were animatronics! Sure, Saphira did not think it was a bad thing, but Freddy could not help but feel conflicted. The urge to touch her skin and run his fingers through that hair, to figure out how to kiss her without hurting was rather overwhelming and his self control on this matter made him worry he will malfunction. Plus, there was another feeling deep inside him that he was not familiar with. And he felt only she could relieve that feeling, but he could not pinpoint that feeling at all.

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