Chapter 98

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Sun gasped loudly when Saphira spoke to him as she had startled him. "Oh, oh, Saphira! I-I wasn't expecting you to even notice." She watched him on the camera as the animatronic looked around worryingly as he paced between the play structures. "I...there's nothing wrong. Why would you think there's something wrong?"

"Because you wouldn't be acting nervous and pacing if there wasn't anything wrong," Saphira responded objectively. "Please tell me what is on your mind. Did you possibly see or hear anything that has made you nervous?"

Sun grumbled a little bit as he listened to Saphira. "I guess you are too good at your job with the cameras." He chuckled nervously a little before he spoke. "It's just...there was a kid acting strangely...strangely robotic earlier." Robotic? "I don't know if I am even using the right word, but I saw Vanessa walk up to a kid who was standing in the shadows and there was some conversation, before Vanessa cowered or something."

That's weird. I haven't noticed any strange kids here. I wonder if this has something to do with what I had overheard from Springtrap and Vanessa the other day.

"Did you get a look at this kid?"

"I only saw brown hair and that's it," Sun responded honestly. "But I...I somehow sensed as though Springtrap or Glitchtrap had a presence in him. I am not sure if we should worry, but what if Springtrap found himself a new body already? The twins growing in you are useless to him if he did."

Saphira raised an eyebrow as she listened to him and was definitely curious as to what this could mean. "I did notice they seemed interested in the new orphanage for some reason. But I would be surprised if what you say is true."

"I hope I am wrong, because that means Springtrap could get rid of you if he feels he no longer needs you. A-And that's what concerns me." Sundrop groaned loudly as he was feeling extremely nervous. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry, Saphira. Today's your birthday...a-a-and I am sorry."

"There's nothing for you to be sorry about, Sun," Saphira responded in a gentle, reassuring tone. "It is better for me to be aware than not." Sundrop seemed to relax as from what she could see in the camera. "I'll alert the others about this boy too. If you happen to see him, let me know what he looks like."

"I promise. I do think he's one of the orphans though from the orphanage, as you have suspected as to why Vanessa and Springtrap have suddenly been interested. Ugh...why does the human world seem crazier?" She chuckled a little as she could not help but agree. "I will say, I don't think I ever have seen Vanessa get so nervous around a kid. That was something I definitely noticed."

Saphira could not help but start going through the cameras curiously to locate this kid. "I will see if I can maybe find this kid on the camera. There aren't many people in the building right now, so anyone I find are going to stick out."

"Is, uh, is it even a good idea?" Sun asked in a slow, nervous tone. "You know, uh...Glitchtrap probably knows w-w-we are having this conversation. So...y-you know...this might not be a good idea...even if it might be something you should do."

"Sitting and waiting for something to happen isn't something I want to do anymore, Sun," Saphira responded gently as she continued to flip through the cameras. "I do not see anyone. The only thing I am seeing is the last few guests leaving the building. It is just us now."

"I guess I understand." Sun seemed extremely guilty over the fact that Saphira knew of this, and potentially put her in more danger as well. But he wasn't expecting Saphira to even notice anything wrong, as he had wanted to tell her after her birthday. "I think we should just be extra careful. We should tell the other animatronics after today."

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