Chapter 29

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Saphira took a seat on the couch, she moved the toys so there was room and pats the space beside her, looking up at the bot who smiled and takes the opportunity to sit beside Saphira. A week ago, Saphira would not have gotten this close to Freddy willingly without feeling like she would have a heart attack. Now, she was sitting beside Freddy and any fear she originally had of the animatronic was practically gone. There was still some fear regarding the endos inside their casing, but Saphira was getting used to that too with the maintenance she has done with them.

"Are you feeling better now Saphira?" Freddy asked, looking at her curiously with a slightly worried expression. "Nothing else dropped down in front of you?"

"Thankfully not. I feel okay now." She smiled at him to reassure him that she was okay. She might not be completely fine, but okay was good for now. "I suppose me being here more than five nights is a cause for celebration. Especially since I will be here for longer than two weeks hopefully."

"It surely is. But we sadly won't get to have a party for that. I think just being here with us is more than enough." Saphira couldn't agree more, she shuffled herself closer to Freddy and he lifts his arm slightly to place around her waist. "It didn't take long for you to not be afraid of me either."

"Your personality helps. And you have been helping since the start, so I don't have any reason to be afraid of you. I smile everytime I see that plush you left in my office, it is like a piece of you there with me." She leaned forward slightly, the big Freddy plush sitting on the other end would definitely be something she would like to take home with her. "I would like that one at some point though."

Freddy looked at it and smiled before he grabbed it and moved it to her. "You can have it Saphira. The merchandise all around the room is mine, so I am free to give it to you. That other plush once was on the couch too."

Saphira took the toy, she felt how soft it was and smiled, she moved it beside her and leaned closer to hug him, resting her cheek on his chest. "You are way too sweet. I've never had anyone give me a gift before...well...a nice gift anyway..."

"You deserve it super star. Especially since you should enjoy being an adult despite having a terrible childhood." He moved his hand up along her hips slightly, and Saphira tensed a little in surprise, the action from him was not something she was used to. "Sorry, did I scare you?"

" just feels sort of nice." Saphira felt herself blushing again. She turned her head so her chin was resting on his chest as she gazed up at his blue eyes. "Can I ask you something Freddy?" He nodded at her silently. "When you told me that you had an infatuation for someone, is that person me?" Freddy widened his eyes slightly and gazed away from her, seemingly embarrassed by it. But that was an answer in itself. " can be honest with me."

"I do not...I do not understand what I even feel..." Freddy responded in an uncertain tone. "Monty already asked me about it..." She blinked in surprise, Monty picked up Freddy's feelings somehow? Was it from Freddy's actions towards her earlier that made him think that? Perhaps it did. "Monty has a better understanding about it than I do. Especially since I've never felt it before."

"Is it possible to describe it?" Saphira asked him curiously, she herself had not felt the feeling of love before. But her own feelings towards him have started to change recently too, and she was still trying to work that out.

"I don't know. I..." He moved his hand to his head to rub for a moment and looked at her, his gaze turning sad which surprised her. "Why would it matter? It is the first time I have ever looked at a human and realize how beautiful they are. It is the first time I have looked at a human and want to know everything about them. It is the first time I have felt the need to be with a human as much as possible. But it doesn't matter does it?" Saphira leaned away from him, unsure of what he was trying to say. "Even if I feel this way for you Saphira, you probably don't feel the same for me. I don't wish to hurt you...and I understand my feelings a little more thanks to Monty. might have said it wouldn't be horrible, but...I care about you Saphira, more than any other human I have ever known. I don't want to push you away because of how I feel. Please don't be mad at me."

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