Chapter 102

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Who else is ready for Ruin? I am super excited!! I am afraid nothing in this story will have connection to the DLC. I should have this story completed before the DLC releases. What a week for FNAF! First the movie trailer, now Ruin!

The following night came around as the previous night pretty much was left with the animatronics just going over the information that had been given to them regarding the birth. Plus, the general maintenance had gone smoothly and there wasn't anything else to really be concerned about during that night. Saphira also wanted to sit for the rest of the night and have Freddy rub her feet. But that was a task in itself as the twins had become active during the night and she was noticing how strong their kicks were starting to become. Saphira herself knew this was probably because her twins were growing with metal skeletons, and they must be getting to the point where it was starting to hurt when they kick. She just hoped they won't get too strong before she gives birth.

Saphira was back in her office as she had come to the pizzaplex rather early compared to she usually came. Mostly because she was restless and needed to come here early. She didn't have anything to do at the apartment when she had woken up, so she just ate food and came to the pizzaplex. She has been there for a few hours currently, and it was almost nine. Being a Tuesday, she knew it would not be so badly busy. But she did need to stretch her legs. They were cramped and stiff, so she needed to stretch them out, the only way she could do that was by walking. And she did take her time through the pizzaplex.

She was currently walking along the bottom floor of the atrium. She was smiling as she could see Monty at the tables of the guests who were here in the dining area. He did give glances to her as he was surprised she was up and about, but she really, really needed to walk around. Her legs had been cramping, so it felt much better, and the twins have settled down from the gentle rocking over her body as she walked around slowly.

"I see you have taken the time to walk around like you used to." Saphira jumped a little and turned to see Vanessa standing behind her with a smile. "Are you feeling okay? You seem to be uncomfortable."

Saphira chuckled a little in response. "I am afraid I won't be comfortable until after I have given birth. But thanks for asking, Vanessa. And don't worry, I just needed to walk around. My legs were cramping, and sitting would only make it worse."

"Ah, I see. I hope you take it easy. You look like you could pop at anytime." Vanessa gestured to Saphira's stomach as she spoke to her. "Anyway at things haven't been too bad. Oh, and Mr Miller seems to think Spacebridge will be finished by next month or something, so there's something to look forward to. And he finally got onto the builders to finish Roxy's Bumper Cars."

Saphira was a little irritated when Vanessa referred to Springtrap as Mr Miller again, but she said nothing about it. "I think I have heard so many different times when Spacebridge is meant to be open, Vanessa. I will believe it once it happens. Just like Chica Coaster."

"I understand. Things like these just get delayed sometimes. But I think he should be right about this. The place is almost ready. You and I should be able to go up to check it out in about two weeks." Saphira was not sure about that at the moment. She, again, would have to wait and see if it actually happens to believe it. "And he wants a performance put on for its opening by the animatronics. Specifically, the Glam Corner animatronics. He feels because this area is based around them, they should be the ones to perform. And Mr Hippo can sing rather well, just like Freddy."

Saphira didn't really react to the suggestion as she was perfectly fine with that happening. "That definitely makes sense. Are you trying to tell me that I should pick the song and type of performance for the animatronics to rehearse this week?" Vanessa nodded and Saphira thought about it for a moment. "Well, there is one song I had thought would fit the opening night for Spacebridge. I think that will be a lot of fun."

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