Chapter 8

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Another night, another shift. Well, her second shift. Saphira walked towards the pizzaplex with a small spring in her step, she noticed a lot of people were leaving the pizzaplex and she was not too surprised. It was nearly nine pm after all, and it was a Tuesday night, so naturally people would not stay too late. Although there will always be those who stay behind to enjoy the most out of the facility, Saphira hoped to not deal with a lot of troublemakers tonight. And she hoped to also get better at being around the animatronics. Freddy and Chica were at least trying and helping her, so she would likely be calmer around them sooner than the others. Though, she did not know how long, despite the massive progress she had made with Freddy the previous night. Walking through the familiar, front, glass doors, Saphira looked around with a smile as she was happy to be back. She had tied her hair back into a French braid ponytail instead of a general ponytail, and she could not help but want to twirl around. She did not know why she felt this way coming here, but perhaps it was because this was different from her previous jobs.

"Evening Saphira!" Darren's voice booms happily as she approached the entry barriers. She glanced to her left to see him at the ticket booth. He waved to her before he walked around from the counter after dealing with a customer and out of the door. She raised an eyebrow when he wore a sky-blue suit tonight with an emerald, green tie. "I heard nothing but great things about last night. It seems you are liked by the animatronics, and the technicians. Although the technicians are going home earlier tonight due to no maintenance required for the animatronics. They leave at one in the morning."

"Oh nice, I get to be alone with the animatronics for five hours," Saphira said sarcastically with a smile. "I look forward to it. So long asssss...well, Moon was kind of being creepy last night...I am not a fan of clowns. I don't think I'll ever stop jumping around him or Sun for that matter. May I ask how that split personality works anyway?"

"Yeah, he is, I am not a fan of him either." Darren chuckled and placed an arm around Saphira's shoulders. She widened her eyes in shock before frowning and stepping back from him, shrugging off his arm. "Oh sorry...I did not want to alarm you."

"You did, hands off please, that is how I got harrassed last time," Saphira said bluntly and sighed as she walked towards one of the entry barriers and scanned her card to walk through. "I am glad you think he is creepy though. But why does he have a split personality?"

"Personally...I have no idea," Darren responded uncertainly, following her through the lobby to the stairs to go up towards the elevators. "Especially since he changes appearances depending on whether the lights are out or not. Apparently, it is a secret only Cliff knows. He's the only one who does maintenance on him actually."

That was odd. A shape shifting robot sounded rather impossible, but the only thing she could think of was the coverings on his body simply turn around...but it didn't explain the pajama hat Moon wears. She would have to observe how this robot goes from Sun to Moon at some point, it might help her with working in an actual robotics business. However, if she really thought about it, this pizzeria was the best robotics business she has seen so far.

"I find it odd he's the attendant for the daycare. You would never have forced me into that place, not in a million years." Saphira smiled as she pressed the button of the elevator. "And I still am not confident to go in there myself."

"You can always ask one of the animatronics to go with you, I hear you and Freddy are getting on well." She shrugged and stepped into the elevator, turning to face Darren. "He told me he was using the Fazwatch to talk with you and get you to relax. It's a very good idea. I hope it goes well."

"I hope so, he is quite calming I must say. It must be his programming with be like that with everyone though." Saphira inhaled deeply as she thought about him. Darren frowned slightly as Saphira still thought their feelings and thoughts were not genuine. "I suppose in a way it's good, he's better than any person I know in the world."

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