Chapter 128

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The roller door rolled up as Freddy carried Saphira into the hallway with Gregory beside him. He realized that it was very dark in the hallway, and Gregory did not have a flashlight with him. Though the light from Freddy's eyes was bright enough to illuminate the way for him. There was metal pieces and a few offline endos in this hallway, but Freddy and Gregory run through the hallway. But Freddy quickly realized that while Gregory wanted them to get out quickly, he was struggling from being extremely tired and sore. But Freddy couldn't do anything. 

He was currently reaching out to the other animatronics to inform them that he has found Saphira and Gregory, and that Springtrap was gone. They all responded they were on their way, but it would take time. Freddy could sense where they were, but none of the animatronics were near the way back to Parts and Service. Freddy did wonder what Saphira and Darren would do with this area, but that did not matter.

Sapphire let out a cry of pain, curling her body as she was whacked with another contraction. Freddy's system was telling him that she is broken and needed first aid. But he knew that first aid wouldn't do anything. And while he knew that the birth would bring Saphira an extreme amount of pain, witnessing it for himself was something he hadn't prepared for properly. Despite the fact Saphira had shown him and the other animatronics about birth, seeing her in this much pain was hard for him.

Saphira took deep breaths and looked at Freddy. "I...I am not s-sure how long I have. I d-don't feel the need to p-push yet. But...owwww...I...we d-don't have a lot of time."

Freddy looked at her sympathetically. Despite the obvious twitching in his body from the damage, he was taking great care as he walked briskly down the hallway. "I hope that y-you c-can hold on f-f-for a sh-short time, Saphira." She looked at him as she listened to him. "I-I know y-you d-don't have m-much control. B-B-But try and r-relax. Y-You are weak."

And Saphira knew that there likely would not be time to tried her wounds. Gregory would at least get to be taken and given pain medication and a cast at least before he can be taken to the hospital. Saphira was hoping that she wouldn't be in trouble when he does get taken, but that would remain to be seen. The boy likely will be fine waiting since there isn't any other human available to take him.

Freddy stopped by a set of stairs heading up. He was not sure if this was a way up, but he began to walk up the stairs. He was still glancing around his surroundings in case there was a rogue endo or nightmare bot ready to attack. But with Springtrap dead, those bots likely would stop working anyway. Or the souls in the nightmare bots get to control their bodies without being forced to do what he wants.

Freddy made sure that Gregory did not struggle too much as he followed the animatronic up the stairs. If he had a spare hand he would definitely take Gregory's hand, but that would not be the case. But as the got closer to the top, Freddy turned his head as he realized the Bonnie was the first one getting closer to them, a with Mr Hippo, Monty and Foxy not far behind. Freddy was relieved as that meant he would have extra help with Gregory.

Once they were at the top of the stairs, there was another short set of stairs heading up into a hallway. Saphira looked at and felt like she had seen it before. Maybe she has. But she was not paying too much attention either. Freddy and Gregory walk into the hallway and Freddy himself was happy that Bonnie was getting closer to them. He looked at Saphira when she whined and sobbed in pain. He felt helpless to help her, and he knew that while she was safe now, she needed to be somewhere better to give birth.

As he reached the end of the hallway, Gregory jumped when a set of double doors to the left opened, but he was relieved when he saw Bonnie. Bonnie gasped when he saw the damaged state of Freddy's body. "Oh my stars...this is not what I was hoping to see." His ears twitch upward as Saphira seemed to stop curling in pain and he realized something was wrong. He saw the injury to Saphira's face and he was worried something else was happening. "Don't tell me Springtrap is the reason Saphira is in this much pain."

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