Chapter 25

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"Finally!" Chica exclaimed, stretching out her arms, fleshing them slightly and shaking her head as she stepped out of the cylinder. "That took a tad longer than I had expected. Especially having a small wiring issue in my fingers, explains why they slipped on the keys a little at the end of the show." She shrugs and turns to face Freddy with a smile. "Alright, Freddy Bear, time for your maintenance."

Saphira giggled a little when she heard Chica refer to Freddy as Freddy Bear, she thought it was cute. Freddy himself had frowned slightly at Chica, it seemed he was not fond of that nickname, but he said nothing as he did not want to fall for the bait of Chica calling him by that nickname. Saphira wondered how long Chica has been using it, probably many years.

Cliff was chuckling lightly as he has heard that multiple times. "Indeed. Okay Saphira, we will be oiling Freddy's joints as well after giving him a full check over to ensure nothing is strange. We always give their joints and other moving parts oiling after the main shows, those are the times they use them the most. And when Monty starts his private performances, he will get it regularly as well."

"Very well." Saphira walked over to the computer monitor, she glanced into the cylinder as Freddy was already on the seat and waiting patiently. She logged into the system to start the maintenance log and walked inside with a smile. "Now that we are here, anything to report?"

"Not really. My system and body seem to be functioning correctly as normal. While on stage, I was able to dance smoothly and my singing did not fail. So as far as I am concerned, I am fully functioning." Freddy gazed at Saphira as she pulled down the monitor to begin scanning his body for any errors. "This maintenance should not take very long."

Although if he was honest, Freddy did hope that it would take longer just so he could gaze at Saphira. She hummed softly as she looked at the screen, waiting for the scanning to be complete. So far, she was seeing all green on the small screen and that was a good thing. When she saw he was completely clear, she reached up to get an oil can to begin oiling the joints.

"He's got the all clear Cliff." Saphira turned to look at the man as he waited with an oil can on the other side of Freddy. "I suppose we go from the ankles up to the head?" He nodded and she smiled, pressing a few more buttons to remove the leg casings.

Saphira breathed in deeply, stepping closer to the massive feet to get a closer look at the parts. She could see the small joints, springs and discs keeping the leg and foot together. She moved the tip of the can to the toes to squeeze gently to oil. She had a cloth in her hand to wipe any excess oil on the endo, the last thing that was needed was for the joints to work properly because of too much oil. She frowned a little, because the endo was black and it was hard to see, so she pulled out her small flashlight to turn on and put the end of the flashlight in her mouth to focus on her task. It might seem like an easy job, but she still had to be careful. She moved the tip carefully from toe to toe, she thought about asking Freddy to move them to see how they would move. But as the final part of the routine was to test the endo movements anyway, it was not necessary.

Freddy gazed at Saphira silently, he could see the focus in her eyes and the care she took to oil the joints. He could feel the slick fluid on his joints, and the fact she took time to ensure it was not too much or too little showed how much she cared about working on the bots. But, he was not just gazing at her to see how she was working. She had her back turned towards him slightly, and Freddy found himself glancing at her backside. He had not really taken much notice before, like for every thing else regarding the human shape, but he was taking in every angle of Saphira's body. The arch of her back, he wanted to run his hands along the arch, would that even feel good? He has seen humans hug before, he has seen when people hug rub the other person's back. Did it feel feel good? If it was soothing, but would Saphira feel comforted even from Freddy? Especially since she was still flinching around the animatronics. Sure, she was hugging Freddy without flinching now, if he moved now she would definitely be startled. Maybe the next time they hug, he would do that and see how she reacts. He blinked a little, glancing at Cliff, he was oiling his ankle joints as he was a lot quicker than Saphira due to having more experience. He did not gaze at him for long, he felt the tip of the oil cannister Saphira was holding move to his ankle to oil and his eyes returned to her body again. The gentleness of her touch, and he could not help but feel like a spark was moving through his endo from direct contact with his inner body. That feeling alone made Freddy feel like he was in paradise, and it was a privilege in his mind to even watch Saphira.

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