Chapter 33: Alone In The Rain.

Start from the beginning

Alejandra nodded,agreeing with her on that.

He sure is.

Smiling,her eye's roamed over where her Boyfriend was,and catching her staring at him,he too,stared right back.

Stiffening a bit,while walking,she turned away,and looking straight ahead,she bumped into someone.


Stumbling backward's a little,Alejandra didn't see the person because she was distracted by staring at Christopher.

Standing there,a look of concern was on her face,and opening her mouth, apologize's came flooding out.

I-I'm so sorry,i-i wasn't w-watching where i was going! Ohh,this really suck's. Hmm?

Looking over at her friend to the side who was now standing right next to her,she was frozen in place,her eye's remained on the person as she looked like a deer,ready to be run over.

Selene,what's wrong?

Whispering those soft word's,her friend slowly turned to her way,pointing at the person who she accidentally bumped into.

What's wrong with her? Why doe's she look like she's seen a ghost?

Realization began to form onto the teenager's face as she hoped that she didn't bump into someone who she dread's to speak to.

Turning her head straight,realization on her face was gone when fear started to creep upon on her face.

Eye's widening in shock,her mouth fell open only a little,and staring at the person in disbelief,she wanted escape,hide,or run,anything to get out of this situation since it was already too late.

Hey,watch where your--

The person turned their head to see who bumped into them and staring right back at her,it was none other than Tyrone Johnson.

Alejandra Cloud And Tyrone Johnson.

The Two were staring down at each other,not moving,nor saying anything.

He was staring at her,his eye's fixated on her,while she stared at him,staring at him like the killer that he was.

This stare was a lot different when he had pushed her into the deep end of the swimming pool,only,it was a lot different.

The way how he stared at her was a bit surprised and not wanting to see this person at all as she looked away.

She started to get uncomfortable and then,her feet began to move,walking away from the scene as fast as she could.

Hey,the least you could do is apologize.

Shaking a little,the teenager could hear his voice,and continuing to walk,she had to escape or else,he might do something.

I-I'm sorry!

Apologizing,her walking soon became a little fast as her breathing way starting to get the better of her.

Tyrone watched her leave,rolling his eye's in annoyance when Selene gave him a cold stare,while Aiden,And Christopher chased after their friend,hoping that she was okay.

As Christopher walked past Tyrone,he stared at him,and then,his eye's were forward,trying to catch up to his Girlfriend,making sure that she was okay.


Alejandra Cloud.

Out of everyone,i bump into him?

The teenage girl was in the girl's restroom,sitting in a toilet stall.

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