Chapter 28: When Will The Rain End?

Start from the beginning

So,you Two don't know who your catering,and what their name's are,right? Aiden said and suddenly,he turned to his Bestie. Boo,what if it's your parent's?

I don't know,Aiden. Normally,my parent's hire Chef's or Cook's to bake or cook the food. I could ask them,it doesn't hurt to try.

The Dream Couple thought that it could be Selene's parent's who were the one's who hired a Cater,but,they weren't entirely so sure about it,though.

Hey,you guy's..haven't seen Dominic or Tyrone,have you? Alejandra spoke softly,looking around,hoping that those two wouldn't show up. I haven't seen those Two at all today,it's so strange. Normally,they would bully me,and go on with the rest of the day,but,today,today was..somewhat different.

The Three shook their head's and relieved that those two were nowhere in sight as Christopher stared at his Girlfriend.

Now that you mentioned it,i haven't seen Ariel or Ebony,either. Aiden pointed out the fact's. My guess is that they must have gotten sick or ended up in The Hospital.

As much as i hate to say it aloud,i'm not,but,that would be nice. I haven't seen Tyrone at all,the last time i saw that jerk was when we were at The Principal's Office. I've been keeping my eye's out for him and Pure luck was coming in My Girlfriend's way. He hasn't been bothering or bullying her,but,i can see that she's a bit tensed up that he might be lurking around,coming up with a scheme of his. Well,i'm glad that their nowhere in sight as long as they don't mess with you.

Christopher leaned over,giving his Girlfriend a kiss on the cheek as she smiled up at him.

Truth be told,i have been a bit tensed lately because i haven't been bullied or seen the bullie's around at all. I should be glad that their not messing with me and part of me feel's like their up to something no good as i know for sure that something will happen. For the time being,all i can do is..wait,and playing the waiting game isn't possible. The more i wait for something to not happen,i know something will happen because i can sense it,i just don't know when it'll happen,exactly. Let's hope that tonight will turn out okay.


Alejandra Cloud.

After School,Christopher drove Alejandra back home as The Two were getting dressed,and ready to head on out to work.

While brushing her hair,the teenage girl already had her uniform on,and just when she's ready,her Older Sister,Alicia walked past by opened bedroom door.

Then,she walked backward's,standing right by the bedroom door with the look of confusion filling upon her face.

Alicia Cloud And Alejandra Cloud.

Hey,you. Alicia greeted her Sister with a smile. Where are you going?

I'm going to work.

On Halloween? It's Thursday,you don't have work on that day.

I know,My Boss want's all of the worker's to attend tonight because we're Catering someone's house. I guess we'll be Catering a Halloween Party.

Oh,come on. Can't you call and cancel?


But,why? You hate Halloween and we could be able to spend some time together if you want.

Sorry,Sis. I wish i could,but,i can't. Don't you have any plan's with your Boyfriend?

Yes,we wanted to watch scary movie's with you,but,if you won't be joining us,i guess it'll just be The Two of us,then.

Alejandra walked up to Alicia,patting her on the shoulder.

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