Chapter 03: The Sound Of Raindrop's.

Start from the beginning

The teenager was working at her part time job and the place where she work's at is a waitress at a family Diner Restaurant called The Crimson Twilight.

The Crimson Twilight was a very cool place to eat at and it's mostly packed during the day instead of night,it was where all the teenager's would chill,and hang out after School or when they weren't in School.

The teenager has been working here for about a few month's now and to her,this place made her feel quite at home because she would see regular customer's come in,everyone who was her waiter would sometime's give her a big tip,and it felt like you were in diner that was made back in the day once you stepped foot inside.

Alejandra would work on the week day's when School wouldn't be too busy for her and she would sometime's work during the weekend's to earn money for herself to be a independent woman.

The place was brand and remarkable,it had value,and Alejandra hoped that this place wouldn't be shut or torn down as it will happen eventually someday,maybe.

Looking to all of her surrounding's,they were a few people inside eating dinner since it was evening time,and seeing that the sun was setting to a sunset,closing time would appear soon.

I can't wait until i get home,all i want to do is relax my body up,and just read all of my problem's away. I wish all of my trouble's would vanish into thin air,but,life itself doesn't work out that way,now,doe's it? No,of course,not.

Seeing that nobody needed her for the time being,she gave a few people a friendly smile,minding her own business by doing her job.

It didn't too long for someone to come in and stopping in her track's,she heard a familiar sound that she would hear while working at the Family Restaurant.

When she was just about to turn around,the clang of the bell's clanged as a customer came inside.

Hearing this,she was gladly enough to help this person out by having well known manner's.


Just when she was about to greet the costumer,a soft gasp escaped her lip's because she wasn't expecting this person to step foot inside this Restaurant.

A soft exclaim their lip's and staring at her,he wasn't expecting to see her here of all place's,but,here they were,in a big room together.



Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

Staring at him,she looked all around the Restaurant,wondering if anyone was going to show him to a table,but,of course,no one came up to him.

Taking a deep breath,letting it all out,she began to make her way toward's him,and by the time she was in front of him,she cleared her throat,grabbing his attention.

H-Hello,and welcome to The Crimson Twilight. P-Party of one?

Al-Alejandra? I-I-- Y-Yes.

Pl-Please,follow me.

She began to walk,while he followed behind as the two teenager's were quiet,not saying a single word when she gave him a table by the window.

He took a seat and standing right in front of him,she took out a small,Black note pad,and pen out as he was already looking at the menu.

There sure are a lot of good food's,it's so hard to choose which one that i want. Christopher continued looking through the menu when he was really trying to start up a conversation to make the silent tension leave between the two. This is so awkward,she won't even speak,nor talk to me. Is it me or something else? Hmm,i think..i'll have..the Cuban sandwich with a Coke.

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