Chapter 59 Encounter on a Narrow Road, the Brave Wins

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Rong Hua changed into night clothes, covered his face, led the dark guards out of the city, and chased them separately.

    About fifty miles out of the city, his subordinates found Tian Hui's body, but did not find the blueprint on him: it should have been taken away by his accomplices and murdered to silence him.

    "Master, do you want to transfer back from other routes?" Except for Shen Lin, the others did not know Rong Hua's real identity.

    "No, I'm not sure. If it's the enemy's plan to attack the west, it's too late to turn around." Rong Hua thought for a while and shook his head. Bet again, "Keep chasing."

    Rong Hua and his party included himself, a total of twelve people, they chased all night. After a whole day and night, the horse couldn't run anymore, and finally caught up.

    There were more than 30 people on the other side, all of whom carried Beiyan's unique scimitar with dark lines engraved on it.

    "Send the signal flare." Rong Hua ordered Shen Lin in a low voice.

    "Liu Qing."

    Rong Hua really didn't expect Liu Qing to be Bei Yan's mastermind.

    "You know me?" Liu Qing looked up at Rong Hua, her eyes had long since lost the charm and humility that she had in Xunyangfang back then, replaced by the indifference and determination of a killer.

    "It's not important anymore." Rong Hua didn't intend to tangle, so as not to expose his identity, "Hand over the blueprint in your hand, and I'll let you go back to Beiyan." "Do you think there is a chance of winning with just a dozen of you?" Liu

    Qing asked with a sneer.

    Rong Hua could tell that the other party came to meet them were all dead soldiers, and their number was twice as many.

    "When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins." Rong Hua drew a soft sword from his waist.

    "Okay, I'll stay with you until the end." Liu Qing also drew his saber to face each other.

    "Everyone, this defense plan concerns the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers at our border gates in Dingguo. You are willing to fight with me and defend Dingguo to the death." Rong Hua raised his soft sword high, his voice was clear and firm, sonorous and powerful.

    "We are willing to defend Dingguo to the death." More than a dozen people were as imposing as a rainbow, showing no sign of fear.

    With the glint of the sword and the shadow of the sword, blood dripping from the sword, everyone was more or less injured, and some even fell down, but no one flinched.

    Liu Qing saw that the situation was stalemate, if he continued to delay, the other party's reinforcements would arrive, and he would have no possibility of escape, so he ordered his subordinates to resist, and led the two of them to try to leave first.

    Rong Hua sensed Liu Qing's intentions, and he and Shen Lin stopped the three of them.

    In three quarters of an hour, the hidden guards from the nearby road rushed over and captured the remaining six people on the other side, and found a defense plan and an improved bow on Liu Qing. Crossbow illustration.

    Of the twelve people, five were killed, four were seriously injured, and three were slightly injured.

    "Subordinates are late, please forgive me, master." The leader of the rushing team knelt on one knee and pleaded guilty.

    "Get up, you came in time, if it's later, we're afraid we won't be able to stop you." Ronghua had several wounds on his body, especially his left arm was very heavy, so he had to use his right hand to help him.

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