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Sexual healing...


Nayme and Severus stepped out of the telephone box and closed it, relishing the relative quietness of the hour, breathing the cold early morning air.

Kingsley had been very good at pretending he was just hearing that story for the first time.

It felt like they had just woken up from a dream together.

They looked at each other, both feeling their many feelings at the same time... and did the only thing that seemed appropriate at that moment: they kissed. Desperately, gratefully, savagely. He pressed her against the wall and she held him as tightly as she could and they kept on kissing and kissing and groping each other as if they hadn't been able to touch for an eternity and they had to make sure it was real - which was exactly what it felt like.

They finally broke the kiss but still held on to each other, breathing together in complete silence for the longest time after that.

It had been so terrifying. So awful. The sight of her bracelet in Mulciber's hand. Her, screaming in agony. Her, bound and crying.

And they had gotten away yet again. Everything was fine. They were alive, together, free. it was certainly more than he felt like he deserved but he would take it. By Merlin, he would.

Then they walked down the street, hand in hand, slowly. There was a lightness to their step, even with everything that had happened, everything that would still happen. It was over. They were alive. They were together.

He felt like dancing with her.

Severus pulled on her hand, making her twirl. She giggled and came back into his arm, where he held her and they kept on walking like that, entwined.


They went straight to the inn where William was staying, but couldn't find him there. Very worried, they returned to their hotel room. As soon as they apparated, however, they found a note on the floor.

"Mr. William Pennard is here to see you. He is waiting in the lobby."

Thank goodness.

Severus used the fireplace to authorise him to come up; a second later he was knocking on the door.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to do." He blurted out as soon as Nay opened the door.

Nay pulled him inside, into her arms.

"Am I intruding? I- I don't know... I can go..." He said.

"You are quite welcome here, William. We just came from your inn, we went looking for you there. Firewhisky, anyone?" Severus said.

Will nodded.

Nayme cupped his face with both hands and kissed his lips, softly. He shuddered and then relaxed, as if he could barely stand.

She pulled his face to her neck and caressed his head for a moment, then his back, in long strokes. It felt as if she were cleaning him, wiping away the fright, the tension, the confusion.

Severus could see her working him. It was interesting. He wondered how it looked when she did those things to him. From the outside, it seemed like nothing more than a caress. A sweet, tender caress. He drank a shot of firewhisky himself.

Will sighed. She pulled his face to her and kissed him again, this time a bit deeper, a bit of tongue - just a reminder, a promise. She looked at Severus, who had been watching them, and beckoned him. He came over with two glasses of firewhisky, handing them to Nayme and William. As they drank, Severus embraced them both.

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