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Ginny was already tied up, eyes huge and terrified, with her hands behind her back. She seemed physically unharmed, though, Nay had time to notice before Mulciber hit her with another cruciatus.

She writhed in the air, letting the searing travel through her nerves unopposed, trying to manage the unbearable, unimaginable pain. From far away she heard him laughing and an indistinct, very loud wailing that took her surprisingly long to recognise as her own.

After forever she hit the living room rug, panting.

"Your turn, mudblood." Mulciber said.

William was crying hard. It broke her heart to hear it.

"Fighting me will only make it worse." He snorted. "Go ahead. I know you can do it. Point your wand at the muggle whore."

She didn't have to look to say that Will had obeyed, because she heard Mulciber's pleased chuckle. "That's right. Go on, now. Crucio . Say it. Do it."

"C-c..." William started, still sobbing.

Get on with it, Will, she wanted to say, but she found it was so hard to even think. She wanted Mulciber to try and cast a mind spell on her... but she had to play it right. She had seen three wizards outside. Were there more? Were there more coming? What would they do to Sev?

"C-crucio." Will said, but nothing happened.

"What? Not working?" Mulciber sounded very disappointed. "Try again, mudblood, and you better make it happen or she'll be chopping you up next. I have no further use for you."

Yes! Perfect, Nay thought. Let's try that. Come imperious me.

But they were interrupted by the arrival of Harry, Ron and Hermione being brought in by two men.

The kids gasped at the scene they had walked into; Nay pushed the floor trying to get up and put on a brave face for their sake.

"Oh, no, you don't." Mulciber said, pointing his wand at her. She froze. "Hands behind your back. You too." He added, calling William.

He tied them, just like Ginny, then did the same to Hermione, Harry and Ron. Of course he wouldn't simply use a body-bind on them. He wanted to hear them sob, to see them tremble. Sadistic asshole.

As he was doing that, he said, "the muggle bitch said Snape knows where 'the eye' is. That he is the secret keeper. Do you know what she's on about, Brownlow?"

Brownlow. And the other one would be Billings, Nay supposed.

The two other men exchanged excited looks. "We should get Mr. Turpin here immediately." Brownlow said, and left.

"Ok. I'll go get the mugglefucker then." Mulciber said. "I'll need back up. A couple of guys should do, though."

"We need him alive, Mulciber." Billings said.

"I think he will come quietly when I show him these." He said, jiggling Nay's bracelets joyfully and looking at her. "I'll be back in an hour, tops." He said, and left.

The anguish that overtook her in that moment was worse than the cruciatus .


The world went dark; all he could see was that limp silver circle with its small trinkets hanging from it. It felt like he was drowning; he was trying to raise his shields but he could hardly breathe. His worst nightmare had just come true.

"Hello there, old pal." Mulciber's voice called from far away. "I see you still have your reflexes. Good thing I got some insurance."

He could taste metal in his mouth and felt nauseated, but kept his face inscrutable.

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