Nay's 42

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It's Nayme's birthday again, with many surprises... not all of them pleasant, though.

Dear readers, as you enter the next few chapters, be ready for twist!

It all starts fluffy and smutty but it will end in tears and gore. I don't want to spoil it, so I'll stop at this small trigger warning.

Proceed at your own peril, darlings.


"Good morning." She heard him say as soon as she moved.

She turned to him and they kissed.

"Today you turn forty-two." He said, and smiled.

"And you seem awfully happy about that."

He had come to love her birthdays. Planning surprises and watching her delight.

"I am, yes." He smirked and raised an eyebrow. "I have plans."

"Really?" She wrinkled her nose as she kissed him.

It was so cute when she did that. He could bite her.

"Oh, yes." He pulled her to him, embraced her and sniffed her hair.

"Does it include skipping breakfast for brief but sweet morning sex?" She asked, rubbing her nose on his, wrapping her leg around him and caressing his side with her shin.

If only.

"Alas, it does not." He stroked her leg, trailing his hand all the way to her ass and squeezing her bottom, hard, making her gasp. "You are expected for breakfast festivities as usual, I'm afraid."

Nayme pouted. He bit and kissed her lower lip. She put her hand to his cheek and they kissed deeply, his hot cock already poking her.

"Can't you put it in just a little?" She reached down and stroked it, satisfied to hear his breath hitch, then rubbed the tip against the wetness of her folds. "Please? I want it so badly... it's so hard already."

Devilish woman. Irresistible.

He closed his eyes, bucking his hips so his dick slid into her, both immediately groaning. They kissed again.

Now they would both be late and he'd have to endure the knowing looks coming from every direction. Capital.

He rolled to get on top of her.

"Why would you do this, minx?" He thrust into her deeply. She moaned. "Breakfast is already being served."

"You better hurry up, then." She said, defiantly.

Oh, she was getting it now.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" He grabbed her hair and thrust again, hard, deep. She gasped. "I'm going to fuck you now for my own release. If you dare to come you will not get anymore cock today."

"No! Please... I'm so close... forgive me... ah..." She pleaded as he picked up pace.

"You will learn I'm not above punishing your misbehaviour on your birthday, wench." He said, grunting. "Oh, you are so wet... so warm... you really are almost there, aren't you?"

"Oh... master... I'm going to... oh..."


"Hold it." He said. "I want you twisting and squirming throughout breakfast so you will never forget who's the master here."

"You are! You are! I'm your toy, your bitch... please... oh... pleeease..." she was shaking now, desperate.

"Hold. It. I know you can." He panted. "Oh, what a lovely minge you have... I'm going to fill you up now, are you ready?"

"Oh, master, please... please... I need to come!" she could have cried in her agony.

"You... will... ungh... not..." He said, then roared, his hot spunk spurting into her.

It was incredible to come feeling her sustaining her arousal around him, holding back. He missed the joint rapture, yes, but this... oh... it was amazing in a whole other way.

It was really hard to hold back feeling his pleasure not only inside herself, but also inside him. This form of torture had become even more cruel as their bond intensified. She was rolling her hips, trying to dissipate the energy of her sexual tension, but it was so hard.

"Master... oh... please..."

He was still enjoying her suffering as he rode those ripples.

"No." He was heaving, still very high. "You have been bad, and bad wenches do not get to come - they get to feel frustrated and desperate until their master decides to let them release. You need to learn who owns you and I am more than happy to teach you." Then he added, between his teeth, "Now thank me for it."

"Thank you, master, oh... for teaching me... who owns my body and my pleasure. Ah... I've learned my lesson. I'll be a good little bitch for you now. I know my place... please..."

So good... He wished he had more time.

He still made her wait for five eternal seconds.

"Fine. Come for me. Let's see that slut face of yours."

And she did.


He embraced her from behind before she opened the door for them to leave, and breathed into her hair, her ear.

"I love you." He said.

She turned to him; the intensity of the kiss surprised her.

"Are you ok?" She asked, cupping his face in her hands. "I sense... sadness in you."

Fuck. Everything was going so well.

"I'm the happiest man in the world, Nayme." He said, with a smile - but she could feel him closing up.

"Don't do that." She said, worried.

He was ruining everything.

"They're waiting for you downstairs, Nay." He sighed. "We should go. It's your birthday."

"I don't care." She said, sweetly, kissing him softly. "Is this about what's to come?"

Bingo. Of course she'd know.

He let out a sigh, his shoulders dropping, and nodded in silence.

She kissed him again. "I'm scared too. But I know it's different for you - you've seen this kind of thing up close before."

Yes. He had. He had seen horrible things. Things he never wished to see again. Especially anywhere around her.

She hugged him tight. He kissed her head, returning the hug.

Being this happy was so... new. He didn't want to lose it. Any of it. He wished he could stop the time and stay there, with her in his arms, forever.

"You are not alone this time." Nay said.

He knew. In every cell of his body, he knew. And it made all the difference.

He nodded again. "I know." He kissed her. "I know. Can we please go now? Jenny will have my liver if you don't come down in time for cake."

"Ok." She said.


He took her hand to leave; she pulled on it. He turned to her. She approached him and pulled his face down so her forehead touched his. "We're here now. We're together now. We're safe now."

He breathed. Yes. Oh, yes.

He sighed, his whole body seeming to relax all of a sudden.

"Yes. Thank you." He said.

And they left.



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